While negotiations between the Government of Tanzania and the Barrick Gold Corporation Company on theft allegedly involved in the mining and transport of mining (entertained) entered the 64th day, the House said the debate is continuing.

This discussion takes place in which many Tanzanians are interested in seeing mineral resources that benefit the nation.

In the debate that began on July 31, the Tanzanian team is headed by the Constitutional Secretary and Law, Professor Palamagamba Kabudi.

Speaking to the President today on Monday, President-General Communications Director-General Gerson Msigwa said the discussion continues and the waiting people will be told what will cost.

"The discussion is still going on, they are ready to say because they can not be debating as they are going to say in the media," said Msigwa.

The negotiations began during the period when President John Magufuli had banned a foreign exchange ban on the issue of the crisis between the investors and the Government when it ended.

Among the negotiations is the taxation of the Tanzanian Revenue Authority (TRA) for the Acacia Company to pay the Government of Tanzania US $ 190 billion, which amounted to more than 434 trillion Shs due to tax arrears and penalties.

The basis for the talks is after President Magufuli to form two commissions to investigate the alleged robbery and corruption allegedly committed by investors over the last 19 years since they began the production of gold.

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