When you are deciding to buy a premium Magento template, it means that the web store you own is doing pretty much good. However, it is advisable that you should not get the first one being impulsive. Such professional templates are a bit expensive even though you have a regular license. Although most of the template stores today, offer a guarantee of money back, it is always better to start diminishing the risks from the beginning. Here is a list of a few smart tips that would help you to buy any premium Magento template for the first time and would make sure you are spending your money on the right thing.

Make Sure Web Design is of High Quality

Responsive design, clean code, compatibility in cross-browser, customisation etc. are some of the deciding aspects of web design standards. Even though most of the Magento themes come with a feature-rich set of best-practised qualities, it is advisable to check them by yourself. Additionally, you need to check whether all the extensions that you would need are working fine on this theme or not. Catchy graphics is a compulsory need in such premium template. Other than this, you need to check the page loading speed, how smooth the navigation is along with usability. Aesthetics and readability are also crucial deciding aspects.

Go for Detailed Customisation Options
When you are buying a premium Magento template, you would look for more functionalities other than just widget or layout arrangements. You would have authority to customise your online store according to your requirements. It should offer you a handful of customised colour variations, customisable grid views and product pages along with customised background patterns. To maximise the readability, you need to change the font sizes as well. Hence, before finalising your mind on a particular premium theme, you need to check whether you can do all these above-mentioned customisations or not.

Check for Mobile Friendliness

In today's tech-savvy world, this is an undeniable fact that the mobile technology is advancing rapidly and along with it, mobile shopping is becoming immensely popular as well. A 'fully responsive" design might work exceptionally good on the iOS platform but might underperform on the Android devices. You should check it by yourself on every major platform of mobile devices.

Apart from all these above-mentioned points, you need to go with such themes that are not only SEO-optimised but provides the extended supports as well. Do a proper market research and check what your competitors are using. Additionally, you can check whether the theme is offering added blog template or not. A blog template is definitely an added advantage. However, above all, you need to make sure whether the theme you are getting has money-back guarantee or not. Thus, such a few calculative steps would make your online store a success.

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