President of the United Republic of Tanzania Dr. John Brewery Magufuli has opened up and said that there were people who were thieves in the Revolutionary Party (CCM) and said that those people had fled to the Democratic Party and Development (CHADEMA).
President Magufuli said today on October 31, 2017, in the state of Mwanza where he was addressing Mkuyuni and Butimba citizens in Mwanza and saying he wants to develop because he believes Tanzania needs to be built up by all Tanzanians and claims in political parties there are thieves yes have delayed the development of the country.
"We want the new Tanzanian that is my goal because it was a huge flood. The CCM) fled to CHADEMA that is why I do not say CUF because of the fact that some of the CUFs are too bad. I want to develop because the development is brought by all Tanzanians to one another. my brothers will be delayed to stick now right now to our Tanzania forward "stressed President Magufuli

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