The former Singida MP Lazaro Nyalandu has denied reports that he was expelled from the Revolutionary Party (CCM) and said he decided to resign himself and say that he did so of his love without being influenced by anyone.
Mh. Nyalandu said that when he made a special interview with the information agency in the country and said that reports that allegedly resigned the parliament after the CCM expulsion were not true and demanded that a person be expelled from membership should be organized into the party if it was called on the party's ethical committee and saying that until he announces the release of the level he has never been called on any committee nor receives a letter of dismissal so that information is unfounded.
"I did not find any letter to honor me, so the concept that I was deported is not true." The Organizational procedure is evicted by the letter, but the sessions must remain and I was not called at any session. I was not a regular member, I was a MP but also a member of the National CCM National Council "said Nyalandu.
However, Nyalandu has described the repeated repetition in his constituency by CHADEMA's ticket "Very soon to be clear that I will contest or La because the party has a procedure for finding a candidate within the party we will look at potential"
Despite that Mh. Nyalandu added that
"We should be united in making Tanzanians united even if they have ideological differences and political attitudes such as religions and tribes do not allow the effects of diversity from our differences to consider that the differences we build build us up as a nation and make us one person and do not fear competition because you bring good wherever you are in civilization and beauty, "Nyalandu
Mh. Nyalandu October 30 announced an appeal to the MP of Singida North and all leadership positions within the Revolutionary Party and announced the intention of joining the Party of Democracy and Development. The Assembly has announced that she has not received a letter to her parliamentary dissertation and that she has received reports of her membership of the CCM.

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