MP Livingstone Lusinde said the former Singida MP MP Lazaro Nyalandu left their party to leave the gap because the politician is politically unhappy though
The MP said he knows Nyalandu as politician 'Togwa' because he has been in the cabinet, a member of the CCM National Council member, since he has learned that the NEC member has never stopped at any NEC session and asks anything though he is lucky but his politics are not exaggerated.
"I know Nyalandu like politician Togwa, a politician who has lost his temper and is not excited but fortunate, he is lucky because he has been in the cabinet, a member of the CCM national council but since I know that the NEC member has never stopped at any NEC session. CCM but has left the opportunity for another member to get a chance "Secure
In addition, Lusinde explained that in six cases of corruption that led him to leave the CCM, his main argument was that the government overcame the party and failed to govern the government, which said the leader was talking about the 75th CCM in which the secretary and county was a ward executive and DC secretary. District CCM so there is no refuge system which in the new CCM does not exist.
"The new CCM is not in the form of oppression but is being developed by eliminating the dispute politics and transplanting politics of work that probably Nyalandu has not used to, in its six points no argument that affects its voters caused him to leave the party."
However, Lusinde has criticized the Opposition politics and said that it was politics of wheat flour because they were attacking Nyalandu before he became a weak and abusive leader, but with CHADEMA he would hear a lot of criticism being ignored.

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