Five days after his son Bongo Movies, his mother-in-law, Elizabeth Michael 'Lulu', Lucresia Karugila, was released after her son was sentenced to two years' imprisonment for an unintentional murder on her side, Steven Kanumba who was also his cousin.

Initially, the pretend to blame on the networks after Lulu's conviction that it may be where parental misconduct is the reason for their child to engage in sexual matters at the age of 18 who does not accept.

Following that, on Friday he searched for Lulu's mother to find out her attitude toward her son in jail and the demands of the network and then she burst out. Mrs. Lulu told the newspaper that, she does not like to talk to people now and she needs more time to relax because she is not comfortable. "I think for this time I need more relaxation and I do not want to speak out, I'm not very good," said Lulu's mother in a dirty tone.

Lulu with her mother Lucresia Karugila.
As she continued to talk, the mother said that since her child's disasters went to jail it was not good and she did not want to talk because she did not feel that way because she feels she sees a world of pain. "I know people will be shocked, but I have decided to be, I'm not the same and I do not really feel good. "I do not think there is any parent who can get asleep while his son is in the past as in the past, I'm really worried," said Lulu.

HEALTH officer!

According to a medical practitioner, Dr Godfrey Chale, referring to the situation of Lulu after the judgment, said that there are diseases that can be found in a person who has a life-threatening illness including imprisonment.

Dr Chale said people who are experiencing severe disasters like Lulu often become more susceptible to stress that cause hormones to interact with the protagonist if they fail to agree with the problematic situation.
He said the confusion of people with such problems as pearls, becomes overwhelmed by depression and depression, thus unable to prevent the thinking and meditation system, and that's why you find someone speaking alone or doing extraordinary acts as picking up a variety of items of comfort and then the problem of frustration begins.

Another major problem that can be found in Lulu is to lose momentum popularity (power of fame) and economic decline when she ends her imprisonment because during a period of imprisonment she will lose her professional contracts as advertising and actress, investments that have incurred her income on her life

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