A few days after diamond refusedto pay 5 millions for his son, Abdul Nasibu 'Prince Abdul', where he filed a case in court on charges of kidnapping a parent who is a Bongo Fleva artist, but the Kisutu Magistrate's Court in Dar, on behalf of the Children, dismissed the charge, famous Bongo, Hamisa Hassan Mobeto is required to harm her son.


The close source of the Mobeto family was swept down on Friday on Friday, despite the fact that his four-year-old son was still four months old, has been referring to mother-in-law, Shufaa Lutigunga and regular travel abroad.

"Of course it's astonishing, really a kid is four months old, how do you get rid of it and go so far? "Once you come to Nairobi today, you'll soon be there Dubai now what are you depending on ?," it is the source of this source.


The source was so careful that, since Mobeto's release, she has been so busy and leaving her child, which gives them many questions that, it does not mean that you do not
she can cause the baby to breathe as breast milk is important for the baby in the first six months.

"Everybody understands the importance of breast milk for a particular baby during the first six months, we are very skeptical she can even kiss a baby because we do not know where she is going to meet different men, sharing with them?" He said the source.


The source went on to say that Mobeto may be the ear of death due to the fact that someone else has been attacked on social networks about the issue of birth and Mbongo Fleva who knows he is in the relationship with Zarinah Hassan 'Zari The Boss Lady' In private, they did not stop, they still remain with those things.

"Hamisa (Mobeto) is the ear of death because there is news that the midwife was Dubai when she went to confuse her father's son when she moved to the child's formation. "To the person who hears he would not accept to go in to the person of such an affair. "There are pictures that have spread in one of the best games in Dubai where the beautiful one is
The image being photographed by the artist of Bongo Fleva, the thing that implies they were together, "claimed the source.


In order to know the truth of this information, on Friday it goes like its balancing custom, it searched for Mobeto where the talks were;
Friday Going: Your News, am I talking to Mobeto?

Mobeto: Yes, who's my friend?
Friday Going On: Talking to Friday's Newsletter Go here.
Mobeto: Okey, say ...
Friday's Day: There is news that you have been leaving your mother's baby and traveling regularly and just on Dubai just when you went to bury your father, Bongo Fleva artist, how do you talk?
Mobeto: No coment .... (made a call).

OUT OF THE PURPOSE It is good for Mobeto to pay close attention to the issue of formation because, in the first six months, the baby needs more milk and the formation of the mother and father in spite of the fact that a child is forced to work, contrary to that is a great that son.

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