Retired Prime Minister, Edward Lowassa said he welcomes Chadema all those arrested by the CCM.

In a press release today on Thursday, Lowassa said, "I have read and heard some of the leaders in the Revolutionary Party have been denied or defending their position or contest, for various reasons. And my name has been repeatedly mentioned in it, "

"I tell you these fellow Tanzanians arrested at the CCM and welcome you to the UA enjoyment of democracy. As I have a good political life, gentleness and real democracy. "

Lowassa said the National Father does not say Teacher Nyerere said it was time for Tanzania to have a multi-party system, although many Tanzanian views at the time through the Nyalali Commission (Judge Francis) wanted to continue with one party system.

"I want to remind my fellow Tanzanians, the decision of the National Father, aimed at giving Tanzanians a democracy to have a broader political platform,"

"I have used the teacher's ideas and surely I am enjoying real democracy while I am. For all who have been caught up and feel that they have been tempted to lose their sense of thinking that without CCM there is no life ... let's go and make politics for the benefit of our citizens. "

Lowassa has invited some of his Guardians to receive it with two hands and those who remain in CCM will remain connected until the next general election 2020 where opposition will show their claws.

"The threats and power of the dollar used to try to discourage us from being intimidated or intimidated at once."

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