Arusha Regional Headman, Mrisho Gambo, has revealed that councilors who have moved from CHADEMA to CCM have not been bought or bribed as claimed by some people but are being criticized by the work of President John Magufuli.
Mrisho Gambo said today in Arusha and said that if CHADEMA is convinced they are welcomed by the people who are waiting for the elections, then you will give them the answers because they believe that the Party of Revolutionary (CCM) will win those positions due to the acceptance of the people.
"Those councilors have been criticized by the high performance of President John Pombe Magufuli and not only Arusha, in Arumeru councilors have come from, Monduli has come from Ngorongoro, since they believe they are admitted and believe that their people have been bought but they are in the same area are not allowed to wait we are going to the polls, there is no selection and voters are the people to make them go to educate the people in this "said Mrisho Gambo
Arusha Regional Head Mrisho Gambo is among the presidential candidate CHADEMA through the Eastern Arumeru MPs accused of taking part in purchasing some CHADEMA councilors with the requirement that the councilors accept the work performed by President John Pombe Magufuli.

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