President of the United Republic of Tanzania, Dr. John Pombe Magufuli has assisted the Dar es Salaam Regional Head, Paul Makonda for the fight against the drugs he had initiated and demanding other leaders to imitate the leader.

President Magufuli said at the 33th General Assembly of the Local Government (ALAT) meeting held today at the NATIONAL MEC Nyerere Conference (JNICC) in Dar es Salaam where he asked Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa to tell other regional leaders to learn from Makonda.

"When RC of Dar es Salaam tried to talk about the noise of noise drugs, he had never read. I even do not know 'a' but if he holds the drug it's a good academic, "said President Magufuli.

However, President Magufuli said that when he started the Presidency, he gave two million for the construction of a classroom in Dar es salaam, so he asked the Regional Manager to prepare for the purpose of inspecting.

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