While the Singida East MP, Tundu Lissu, continued on treatment at Nairobi Hospital, her family had held a secret session and the parliamentary leadership to discuss the parliament's treatment.

The session was held today in Dar es Salaam on Monday and was attended by Speaker Job Ndugai, Deputy Speaker, Dr Tulia Ackson, Parliamentary Secretary, Thomas Kashilila, Vunjo MP, James Mbatia, Hanang 'Member, Dr Mary Nagu, and three brothers. Lissu, two men and one woman.

Upon receipt of the presence of the session, the Senate set up camp outside the Small Bureau of Parliament since 3:55 am and witnessed regular activities while with few people entering and leaving the office.

At 7:40 am, he left Mbatia on his car after completing the session. The secretary followed him to know what he was doing in the session, Mbatia admitted to the meeting but did not want to talk to any of the Speaker Ndugai.

"Of course we were at the session with Lissu's family, but I can not say what we have talked about. For more information than the Speaker or the Secretary of Parliament, there were also three of his brothers, the trainees could tell them, "said Mbatia.

Lissu's family spokeswoman Alute Mughwai was quoted as saying that the session has taken place between the family and the legislative leadership of Lissu, but he said it was not completed because of the lack of Chadema.

Mughwai said the session was postponed until the rest of the time when it was completed to discuss the issue in its fullness. He said Chadema through his chairman Freeman Mbowe was given an invitation but could not come.

"I can not tell you what we've been talking about, one of the terms we gave is not to mention publicly what we have discussed but it is about Lissu. All of us 'interest' is to see Lissu grows and continue his duties as usual, "said Mughwai.

However, efforts to seek the Speaker of Parliament together with the Secretary of Parliament have failed after their call is unacceptable.

Chadema's Proposal Directorate, Communication, Chadema and Foreign Affairs, John Mrema, was asked about the session, saying the report on the session was sent to the Office of the Leader of the National Opposition Camp and not at the party.

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