I am one of the victims of this exercise of demolition of our homes while Mbezi Kimara on 29/9/2017.

Yesterday when I was in the field at Midnight Midlands on Tuesday evening, I was told that Tanroads had been accompanied by two graders and two firearms armed with firearms were destroying my house. this).

I am so sad that Tanroads are able to make decisions regardless of the importance of the Court's decision. And the procedures used to demolish my house without me and Tanesco be notified at twelve o'clock in the evening (it was not time to work). Delay to destroy the house While Electricity is an act that first affects the lives of the kidnapping themselves, the life of my family and my neighbors, it is more complicated.

I say this because Tanesco has called me after 24 hours or more after the demolition is scheduled to inform me of cutting down the Electricity before the expulsion, when I tell you why the house has been completely misrepresented and I have not been able to save anything and even the meter you are asking for. The bundle of my house was collected together with the people of Tanroads. Tanesco was astonished to break my house for those processes.

But I believe everything happens for special reasons. I've learned to rely on Him And thank God for everything. And this is one of the world's exams. I have received and listened to what God plans for us in my family. We have received it and I believe we will win.

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