eSports Injuries and How To Avoid Being Sidelined
The popularity of eSports has gained a lot of momentum in the past couple of years. What used to be considered a hobby and past time for kids has become a fully functional industry at the professional level. Just like the greats athletes of the NFL, NBA and MLB, constant hours of practice and competition will make their mark on the player and can limit the amount of time spent performing in the sport.
Common eSport injuries are being seen in the wrist, neck and low back. These are all considered overuse injuries and typical of what one would experience while working any type of job and staying in one position for many hours at a time for an extended length of time. Typical professional gamers will play a minimum of 10-12 hours per day. Often times with limited breaks during a playing session. Compound this amount of time by weeks, months and years of gaming and it begins to take its toll on the body. Pain of any sorts can cause issues with athletic performance. Pain with gaming athletes can be crucial because the pain is likely in an area of the body that has to be used in order to play. Gamer wrist pain can severely limit the amount of hours a player can spend practicing and competing, which will result in a loss of not only a competition but can have a dire impact on the player's or team's financial winnings as well.

Playing through the pain is not a proper solution either. By the time a esports player injury is strong enough to be noticed there's a strong indicator the problem has been developing for quite some time.

eSport injury symptoms you should give attention including the following:

- Wrist pain - numbness or tingling in the hand or fingertips, weakness in grip strength and general discomfort
- Low back pain - numbness or tingling into the buttocks, legs or feet. General back pain that increases after sitting long periods.
- Upper back pain - tightness and general aching near the shoulders and at the base of the neck.

eSport injury solutions include taking notice of fatigue that changes your posture while playing and any discomfort that presents itself while playing. The best solution is to take breaks while you are playing and perform stretches just as if you were an athlete performing on the field or on a court. A proper stretching routine is mandatory for any professional eSport athlete.
Dr. Branden Evans is a Marietta chiropractor near Atlanta, GA. He has been in practice for nearly 10 years and enjoys helping patients recover after auto accidents. Contact him if you have been hurt and are in need of an injury chiropractor.

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