Strategy For Overcoming Fear and On To The Life Of Your Dreams Read Here
Don't follow your intuition, Don't Listen to Your Inner Guidance, and See What You Will Miss Out On In Life!

I realize the Light has always been with me; now my will is to extend it. Our mind projects bodily images, and our guilt and fear make it seem real-- but it's not.

For the time being, guilt and fear remain with this world as separate illusions. When I say "for the time being," it's because time is all that we see, but we know there is more and for the most part we ignore this inner awareness.

When interpreted right-mindedly--meaning without fear the statement means that peace can not be valued wrongly, nor can it be shaken at all by errors of any kind. The bottom line is that we all want peace and abundance, but are in fear of how to achieve it.

Even the murderer wants peace, but his own fears are so deeply rooted, and his real self too shallow for his own true light to be realized. And in our very lives, our career, are we blocking the light of our real Abundance?

Realizing Real Abundance

How may we overcome the fear of success--a phobia that limits us.When we are afraid of something, we are acknowledging its power to hurt us. If I am fearful, then I must be placing value in fear; therefore I must be valuing wrongly.
Thanks to the inner guidance I received while writing for long hours every single day while deep in the rabbit hole of the prison system for 8 long years-- as well as what I continue to learn from A Course in Miracles, I'm able to see that I am drawn to the abundant light that is in all of us.

We must be aware that if we live in fear we will not be able to hear the voice for God, our Inner Guidance system--which I call the Holy Spirit. Simply know that He is always there, and that with the fears we have we may not be realizing His presence.

We can progressively subdue time, the realm where our "thinking" side identifies with a body and its boundaries-- who and what we think we are.

We don't know our real self, and to forgive will allow us to "let go," so the lacks we have made of ourselves can be undone where our chances for peace allow us to tap in to our real Abundance. The Light that you are!

Interpreting the world right-mindedly--meaning without fear.

Hi, I'm James Nussbaumer and I'd like to introduce myself through my thought provoking spiritual and inspirational books, which are reflections of A Course in Miracles. I'm also offering you a subscription to my EVERYDAY MIRACLES newsletter, which includes my ongoing webinars, videos, livestreams, and so much more, helping everyday people live life on their own terms. This is for folks who are interested in letting go of the past and attaining Real Abundance, Purpose, and Wellness in their lives.

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