Three Things You Need To Do To Speed Up Your Article Writing

The wealthier type of writer isn't the one who's most literate, or the most grammatically correct or the one taking years to write the next block buster, best seller. Instead, it's the most prolific writer. The one who not only sits down and writes every day, but is also uber-productive and focused.

Being productive and being focused go hand in hand with being a prolific writer. Stephen King writes every morning, no matter what day it is. He even writes when he's on holiday. Isaac Asimov wrote all day every day. He couldn't NOT write. And the late, great copywriter, Eugene Schwartz wrote for 3 to 4 hours every morning, 7 days a week and produced hundreds of pages of work.

If you want to do the same, here are 3 things that you need to do to be able to write more articles than ever before and create an easy writing habit.

1. Speed

You need to be able to write articles faster than you ever have before. Have a goal of how many you want to write and then concentrate on achieving it. A good (and do-able) goal is 100 articles a week. Working 5 days, that's 20 articles a day. And I'm talking short, pithy articles like this one, not long works of literature.

To write articles this quickly, you need to be focused and to put everything else out of your mind while you write. If you have limited time (have to pick up the kids, go to work, etc) use a timer so you're not distracted by checking the clock repeatedly.

2. A system
Having a system in place for how you write articles will really speed up the process. Limit your research to a minute or two and take short notes to use as the article outline. Only look for 3 main points to cover and 3 sub points for each main point. That's enough information to structure an article around it.

Then give yourself just 10 minutes or less to write the article. Any more than this and you'll only waste time procrastinating and criticising. Instead, set a timer and get to work. This will help you focus because you'll have no time to do anything but write.

Proof read your articles after you've finished them all and don't be too fussy or critical. Remember, your articles are there to impart information only. They're not meant to be great works of art, so good enough is good enough.

3. Stick to It

Once you've got your system in place, stick to it. After about a week of practice, if your system is simple, you'll be able to write articles really fast without even thinking about your system because it will all happen so naturally, which eliminates thinking time and so speeds up the process even more.

Just remember that you need these 3 things:

Speed (keep timing yourself)

Get a good system

Stick to it

This will simplify the whole process and if you do other types of writing as well, you can invent a similar system to simplify those processes too.

The above is an excerpt from the eBook "How To Write 1 Article in 7 Different Ways" which you'll receive free as a bonus along with "10 Ways to Make Money Writing Articles" when you purchase "How to Write an Article in 15 Minutes or Less: Including research, proof reading and editing." Read more about these 3 amazing PDF eBooks at You'll also learn 'How I Earned Over $4,000 Writing Articles In Just One Day.

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