The second Nikki Artist, who is among the elite artists in the country, has been called to join ACT Wazalendo, to strengthen and build up your party.
Zitto Kabwe Amwita Niki wa Pili Kujiunga na ACT- Wazalendo
ACT leader Zulto Zuberi Kabwe has written a message on his twitter page asking him to do so.
"Come and create a Party for kids to let your stuff go," wrote Zitto Kabwe on the second Nikki page.
After Zitto Kabwe's request for Nikki, Nikki replied that a party party is being built up by a weak people, but he as a mediaman is not reliable because they are not required to sell them.
"The socialist community is built up with a realm of self-destructive ones, and you have only a strategy for integrating ideology, their boda boda, fraud, farmers, our media people so easily to sell them to the market as a tomato," writes Nikki II.
Until now the artist is a party supporter because he has been considered a political activist and economist, and has never been seen on any party's forum for

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