Kilosa district councilor Morogoro has suspended the salaries of 15 teachers who were released in March without paying their transfer duties and sending them to strike the alleged action is a failure to comply with the public service law in the claim.
Speaking at different times at different school teachers, Rehema Mkway, high school teacher Masanze, Isaiah Milimi primary school teacher Msimba Kilosa, said teachers have been faced with a major challenge of immigration without paying their attention and causing disruptions and breakdown of performance and cause state unnecessary debt.
Speaking at a meeting of the Tanzania Teachers Association (CWT) secretary of the Association's secretary-general, Flora Malomele, said together with several achievements, but teachers are faced with challenges including their unpaid interest while TCC's secretary general secretary David Mchilu insisted on the staff to focus on the public service values.
According to the office of the Kilosa district councilor Noel Abeid, responding to the claims of the teachers, they have promised to deal with the matter, since the council is looking for funds and warning public servants to be excluded from the law when they see the employer go illegal and follow the rules.

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