Mobile phone technology course gains momentum

ABOUT 12 students of an electrical and mobile maintenance course have completed their theoretical and practical training through VSOMO application powered by Airtel and VETA.
They are due to get certification early next week. The VSOMO platform continues to gain popularity and attracting the youth to enroll for vocational courses offered online through mobile phones, given its flexibility, value for money and certification.

So far, more than 33,000 people have downloaded the application, 9500 have registered on the platform and 82 have enrolled and studying, while others have already been certified.

Addressing the media, the VETA Kipawa principal, Mr Lucian Luteganya, said: “We are pleased with the output that VSOMO platform offers to students and the youth in different geographical locations. The platform provides an opportunity for those who want to upgrade skills at their convenient time and pace through mobile phones.

VSOMO application has opened another venture for VETA to accommodate more students as we have alternative channel for students to study vocation course online.”

Mr Luteganya further explained that the government, through the labour minister, is urging mobile technicians to enroll for vocational courses in order to upgrade their technical skills, in order to meet the needs of ever-rising customers.

There are currently approximately 39 million mobile phone users in Tanzania, which translates into vast opportunities for mobile phone technicians.

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