While the film star actress in the country, Irene Uyoya, being a kidnapped priest in Rwanda, Hamad Ndikumana 'I', 'mother of the former international singer, has mentioned the victims involved in the death of her son.

Speaking of the Combination Shooting from Kigali in the mosque, Akaya said she had previously struggled to contact her former husband's relatives and after being mistaken, she decided to contact Asma, a woman who was a few days behind, Nkumana posted her photos on social networking. , feeling like her boyfriend.

Mother's Mom I Meet.

"When I found her, I made myself known and told her about my desire to come here, in a happy way, she accepted me and since that time I was communicating with her and even when I got here, she was the one who welcomed me and sent me home to the Native parents," said the actor . APPEAL TO

The sister who had been born to a deceased son Krish said late after being brought to her parents' home, she was welcomed by relatives who told her that she was not in love with her because all the things that happened in the past are all around the world.

Irene Uyoya has a lifetime of her life.
"Well you can not believe, they received me very well, very different from home at how they talk to me. I stayed with them and they were the ones who told me something that surprised me so much about the source of death, "said Uyoya.


He said that when it came to the third day of crisis, which is usually a day of excitement, the mother clearly explained to people who are involved in the death of their child, whom the family recognizes and knows how to deal with them.

Brother of the Gentleman weeps bitterly.
"Mama said she knows who killed her baby, she said they are some of the other players I do not know, her footballers, say the source is that she was a popular person with team leaders, that's what made her feel jealous of her.

"She was so scared, she says they have been poisoned with colleagues and the issue is handled by their family, I do not know what they will take, but that's what's going on in the back," he said.


The attorney who some of the stakeholders is referring to as a leading psychologist to her husband after the recent Dogo Janja artist screaming at her marriage and the actress, said in a statement, she was comforted, for at least the blame of blame would bring her.

Father's Mom I Meet
"The words were so real at home, everybody's blame, that's better Mother's mother, she is not a fan of the mind, it's a game played by somebody there on their football stuff," she said.


The sudden death of Ikumana, who died on November 14 this year, has caused some people to mention the Yowra that it may be a source of events due to the incident since the marriage of the two broke in the last few years.

For all the time in which the two were different, Theya has been demanding his divorce so that he could be married to another person, an act allegedly harming the former Stand United player in Shinyanga.
Source: Global Publishers

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