Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism, Dr. Hamis Kigwangalla has suspended the Serengeti Wildlife Reserve Director's work, with various suspicions facing him.
Speaking in the Serengeti Park, where he has made a spectacular tour, Dr. Kigwangalla has
Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism, Dr. Hamis Kigwangalla has suspended the Serengeti Wildlife Reserve Director's work, with various suspicions facing him.
Speaking in the Serengeti Park, where he has made a spectacular tour, Dr. Kigwangalla has commissioned the Secretary-General of the ministry, to halt the work of the Wildlife Director, Prof. Alexander Songorwa once
The suspicions have been reported to be a violation of the Government by providing State secretary information to the media and forming information aimed at promoting the Loliondo crisis.
"The night's night around the news that Dr. He is in a truck with a private car (private) on the way to Loliondo and will stay at the Acacia Hotel on Wednesday. Today my expedition has been being followed by anonymous people where every step he reached was reported on the internet ". Said Kigwangalla in the statement
Professor Prof. Songorwa has been involved in the scandal of sharing partitioning illegal blocks and other suspicions.

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