President of the Revolutionary Party (CCM), President John Pombe Magufuli has warned new members who have moved into the party today at the ongoing NEC General Assembly in Dar es Salaam.
The members who have moved and announced today are Attorney Alberto Msando who was a member of ACT-Patriarchs, former MP of Nyamagana Laurent Masha who was a member of Chadema and chairman of Chadema Youth Council Patrobas Katambi.
Others are Professor Kitila Mkumbo who was also a member of ACT-Patriarchs and Sophia Simba who asked to be re-elected after the expulsion.
Speaking after receiving the members, President Magufuli said, "I beg you never to change again, and come with the members to agree that you will not be back there. This is a party of all the children will be born and they will join because they have solid foundation, so you will not try it."
President Magufuli has been finalized by granting them permission to contest the local parties in the party and in their areas. "Nyie now passed by NEC's general meeting no one else can oppose it and if there is a chance to go there and fight for a participant to build a country with the Party".

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