The following five situations are metaphors for conflicts that commonly occur in couple relationships. Anyone who is or has been married knows it is not an exhaustive list.

1. "How did we get here?"

Such a response occurs when one partner says something without thinking of all the potential consequences. Of course, we've all done it. And we're bound to say and do many things that don't cater for the myriad consequences that could occur.

Whenever we get to that frame of reflection the moment is pregnant with opportunity for learning. And a good apology will save the day.

2. "How can I / am I meant to accept this?"

Some realities are or seem untenable in marriage. There are both, obviously, but there are also times when we can learn to accept a situation. Many more situations can be accepted than cannot be accepted.

Abuse cannot be accepted, for one. Affairs (without seeking forgiveness - showing remorse - and providing restitution) are another. But most partners who have issues with acceptance have issues they could learn to accept. Practice acceptance and soon our feelings follow.

3. "You mean to say that we haven't resolved this one already?"
For one partner the fact that a particular issue isn't resolved to their satisfaction ought to be evidence enough that they're not the only party who needs to be satisfied. I wonder what might occur if this aggrieved partner thinks for a moment what it is like to be the other person.

The partner who thinks this question ought to be counselled by reality. Resolution comes with time and perspective and calm minds, and not beforehand.

4. "I cannot believe how many times we've fought about this!"

Linked with the above, this is about those times when we're exasperated in marriage. Exasperation often occurs in marriage. Where it doesn't we may begin to think we've married ourselves, someone 'easy' to understand and accept. There are times in all couple relationships where one or both partners are incredulous that a certain matter continues to cause problems.

Through seasons of exasperation we're challenged to grow personally and interpersonally.

5. "Why have you not changed?"

Oh, all who read this should be able to see the problem immediately. But many won't. There is nothing wrong with the question if we swap out the word 'you' with 'I' - "Why have I not changed?" Expecting our partner to change is often the wrong way of looking for the relationship to grow. There is one caveat though. Needing our partner to change, in some circumstances, is the only way a relationship can survive, e.g. addiction, fornication, etc.


All couple relationships feature irredeemable conflict. The sooner we accept this the sooner marriage moves into the realm of possibility.


Measuring the Return on Investment (ROI), i.e. the contribution a particular marketing operation renders on profit and revenue is the holy grail of marketing measurement.

A friendly reminder: this post is not about flabby metrics like eyeballs and views. We'll only discuss quantifiable evidence indicating towards real outcomes.

Within a company, the marketing department is often inundated with questions revolving around marketing campaigns and the ROI they delivered, if at all they did. While it's easy to ask such questions, determining a substantive answer can be difficult.

Why, you ask? Simply because:

1. It's tough to know when to measure: Any investment on any particular day will have an unique impact at any point in near future. A marketing campaign can deliver results two days from now, or two months later. Nonetheless, marketers must know when to invest and where to invest.
2. Extrinsic factors: There are numerous variables that are not with the marketing department's control. What would the marketers claim if revenue increased owing to rising economy, did their campaign delivered the increased ROI?

To better understand marketing ROI, let's first understand what a company aims at. Once we know we wish to obtain from marketing campaigns, only then can we measure the returns. Some of the Key Performance Indicators KPIs in digital marketing campaign are mentioned below:

1. General indicators: it includes traffic, reach and leads
2. Indicators based on channels: search engines, website, social media profiles, blogs, etc.
3. Indicators based on performance: it includes click throughs, lead generation, conversions, etc.

Think beyond outcome measures
Understand the complex set of activities that positively affect the ROI. This is the first step for measuring marketing ROI.

Suppose that you're facing difficulties with customer satisfaction and retention for any possible reason.
In such a scenario, if you focus on developing a social media community, the only thing I can imagine is an unruly bunch of unhappy customers wreaking havoc on your social media platform.

Only measure what matters

Like I said above, likes, views, and clicks are not the most important aspects of your digital marketing campaign.

You need clearly defined goals for your digital marketing campaign; goals that run deeper than mere performance measures. The next step would be to create KPIs associated to such goals and measure the KPIS in their entirety.

Metrics alone are not enough

Creating dashboards that display the metrics is futile. This is because statistics require skilled interpretation and don't speak for themselves.

Also, different users would be requiring different level of analysis. As such, an effective dashboard allows the users to delve further into the metrics for maximum insight.

Once you've generated meaningful metrics, the next step would be to

Tie compensations to metrics

It's important to do so because it makes sure that you don't face difficulties converting metrics and insights into actions. It also ensures that the employees collectively work towards the direction suggested by these metrics.

This process, however, requires a 3-point approach:

1. Balance of compensation
2. Compensate metrics related to marketing ROI
3. Metrics shouldn't be affected by extrinsic factors

The Bottom Line
'Half of the money I spend on advertising is ruined; troubling is the fact that I do not know which half' - John Wannamaker

This was said late in the 1800s. So to say measuring ROI is something new or unique to digital marketing only, would be misleading.

Now in 2017, when the world is brimming with all sorts of avant-garde utilities, measuring the ROI is still quite a daunting process.

However, marketing is essentially a vital part of a business and if done right, can pay many times over what it costs. Don't just give in for softer metrics if you need to make the most out of your marketing spend.

Brandsmartini is a full service digital marketing agency in Delhi comprising of digital marketing geeks and experts, providing customized marketing solutions.


Video production is a very effective marketing tool in the modern business environment. The contemporary business landscape presents a unique combination of opportunities and challenges and it is important for companies to reposition their strategies to reflect the changing times. Social media has become the next frontier in modern marketing and it is important to tweak your marketing to target these users.

Video Production for Social Media

According to the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), there are over 3.62 billion internet users and most of these are using social platforms. Facebook today boasts 1.71 billion monthly active users (MAUs), Twitter has 328 MAUs (monthly active users) and Instagram has reported over 500 million subscribers while WhatsApp has over 1 billion monthly customers. Of course, there are other popular social media networks including YouTube, LinkedIn, Snapchat and Pinterest among others and they boast billions of users.

Most of the content on these networks is visual and this should be your focus if you are targeting this audience. 82% of Twitter users watch visual content and share the same rapidly. 45% of internet users spend time on Facebook and YouTube watching visuals. These numbers give a strong argument for including a well prepared film in your marketing campaign.

A professional corporate video production will boost visibility for your brand when it is shared, increase conversion, build brand loyalty, enhance ranking on search engine result pages (SERPs) and increase engagement with customers.
Whatever the size of your business, you need to use a professional video production company for the best results. These experts help to fill the gap existing in your company in terms of skills and resources in film making.

Boosting Your Video Production on Social Media

The question then becomes how your company can gain better visibility using this innovative technique. Of course, the competition is most likely using visual content marketing and as such, you need to be more creative with your corporate video production to stay ahead. Here are some ideas:

1. Cross promote on different platforms to build excitement and use teasers before the actual launch.
2. Engage your followers and let them know about what's coming up. Ask for ideas from them and incorporate these in your project.
3. Encourage sharing of content and offer freebies as incentives.
4. Use auto-play on your website or blog to encourage users to continue watching.
5. Add playful subtitles.
6. Use a call to action (CTA) encouraging viewers to like, watch, comment or rate your film.
7. Use influencers to talk about your campaign such as bloggers, traditional media outlets etc.
8. Use opt-in mail to share links to your content with existing customers.
9. List on main search engines.
10. Make sure you appeal to emotions in your story because this is what people love sharing online.

There is no denying that visual content will help you unlock the potential to be found online. By using this tool on social networks, you will reach a larger target market and increase visibility of your brand. This is a marketing strategy that boasts high levels of ROI, which is what every business owner wants. Find an experienced video production company that understands your brand, goals and video needs so you can make a meaningful presence on social media platforms.

Get innovative business solutions to cater your entire needs within budget at VCM Interactive. We are having skilled videographers in Toronto who makes an innovative change to your dream.


A Karachi-based banker receives the latest update on stocks from his counterpart in Hong Kong in a blink of an eye. That information is then relayed to a customer in Doha who then orders electronics made in Chengdu transported across the proposed CPEC route and then by sea on a bulker ship to its final destination. The breakneck pace and the astonishing volumes at which goods, information, and money move from one part of the world to another is conquering inhospitable terrains, exploring new sea lanes, defying traditional methods of communication, taking the world online, and exploiting untapped energies. Global interconnectedness through trade has always and is constantly determining, redesigning, and reshaping human life at a scale never imagined before. London shoppers buy garments made in Pakistan. Chinese watch American TV seasons. Arabs use software developed in Silicon Valley to instigate an earth shattering revolution. The overbearing influence of international trade on human lives is remarkable in the truest sense of the word. Both literally and otherwise, international trade is having a great impact on the way humans conducted life and business.

But the idea of global interconnectedness is not new, in fact, it can be traced back to the time of Han Dynasty in 221 BCE when all of China came under one supreme rule. About the same time, the conquests of Alexander established a veritable contact between the Western and Eastern societies widening existing road networks and creating new trade routes. Over the course of next several centuries, a gigantic web of trade networks emerged which spanned continents drawing from China silk, tea, porcelain, and jade while gold and glass wares travelled from Rome, the western terminus of the famous Silk Road. Along the way, many items were picked up from many regions and local kingdoms of Middle East and India which eventually benefited the local populations also. The trade links formed along the breadth and width of the 5000 miles long Silk Road were commercial, cultural, technological, but also financial in nature. The goods, technologies, and even diseases of all kinds were exchanged; such was the power of international trade. Back then, the roads were long, treacherous, and unpredictable. And crossing the inhospitable terrains was incredibly dangerous but the huge demand for goods led to the creation of a complex web of trade networks which were duly supported by local financial moneylenders and money-exchangers backed by local governments and fiefdoms.

The long-awaited revival of the old Silk Road (as enshrined in the One Belt, One Road Project of China) has the potential to genuinely alter the world economics like never before in history. This largest ever financial undertaking since the Marshall Plan by USA for Europe post World War II will include over 60 countries and most likely to generate $ 2.5 trillion dollars in trade, if the regional plan works according to the design. This regional pact promises to economically benefit the countries included in it by linking them to global trade networks. Imagine a good chunk of that trade passing through Pakistan and affecting the life and finances of ordinary Pakistanis. This life altering, game-changing, golden goose transformed into a trade route is called China Pakistan Economic Corridor.

The $ 46 billion dollar China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is an important part of this OBOR project which connects the Western parts of China and Central Asian Republics to the Gawadar port in the Arabian Sea. The deep sea port of Gawadar is strategically located just outside the Strait of Hormuz and near the main shipping route of global oil trade and it is the closest trade route to the landlocked Central Asian Countries which have enormous natural resources and untapped market potential. And Pakistan stands to benefit from all that because this CPEC is not just a trade route but a complete project for life which includes energy projects, railroads, 25 industrial zones, and cross border fiber optics which will connect Pakistan with the world both on technological and trade fronts.

Developing countries struggle in the wake of hindered access to markets, lack of finance, and limited infrastructure at home to support economic activities. In that context, the CPEC promises to take Pakistan straight into the international foray where big players play.

But here is the kicker: when the global trade fever kicks in through the CPEC, then Pakistan must be ready to welcome it.

The ability to meet the challenges of international trade head-on and that too with great success will largely depend on Pakistan's banking & financial sector's readiness in adjusting to the new trade environment.

The influence and impact of local and domestic players and a whole host of homebred economic forces may ratchet down with the increased international trade moving feverishly back and forth and back again across the CPEC routes. Pakistan's banks will have to calibrate their strategic position in order to be able to take advantage of the money movements resulting from increased trade passing through the country.

Increased integration through increased trade and more of international trade passing through the proposed CPEC routes will create a new set of challenges, opportunities, and risks for the Pakistani banking and financial sector offering financial services to local businesses and their foreign affiliates, to the government and investors at home and abroad.

If history offers any guidance, then it is a known fact that Pakistan's economy never really depended on huge trade volumes (with the current trade volume hovering at about $ 80 billion) as so much as it will do in near future. For once, the central bank of Pakistan (State Bank of Pakistan) in particular will have to use interest rate swings to keep inflation in check, and others banks may have to make considerable adjustments in their positions by administering some radical and some not so radical but smart changes and tweaks here and there in their financial offerings to meet the changing dynamics of the new trade environment in Pakistan. The economic shocks resulting from the new trade environment can be both positive and negative depending on how they are confronted. Therefore, adjustments have to be made accordingly which could result in a great earning opportunity for many.

The contrasting snapshot of Pakistan's current trade environment juxtaposed with the picture of trade likely to emerge in near future offers a great insight into what the local businesses and financial & banking sector might have to deal with when billions of dollars of trade starts to pass through Pakistan. It is important to understand this because the CPEC is going to touch Pakistan on many levels. Pakistan's current business environment is characterized by a massive shortfall of electricity which can reach as much as 5 million kilowatts in the summers. This electricity shortage acts as a bottleneck in the process of industrialization of underdeveloped economies which means that production lines and factories come to a grinding halt due to lack of energy. Many companies, banks, private businesses, government offices, and even the shopkeepers & students especially only those who have the means are forced to use private generators when the light goes out. But all that is about to change: the Neelum-Jehlum Hydropower plant which is the largest ever overseas power plant undertaking by any Chinese firm will alleviate 15% of electricity shortage. It will generate 45 billion Rupees or $ 400 million in revenues. It is just one of the 22 projects which are included in the CPEC. Thus, the CPEC is truly a game changer as it possesses the ability to get the infrastructure ready for integrating Pakistan with the international trade regimes.

The improvement in the macro environment is evidently in the pipeline with substantial investments taking place in the infrastructural development which if supported by the banking sector and small improvements in the basic micro infrastructure stands to give huge advantage to Pakistan on the back of three major global trends promising to alter fortunes of Pakistan for the better now and forever which include investments from China coming in, the return of Iran into the international economy, and the low oil prices.

Therefore, the new trade environment of Pakistan will be made up of the results of the CPEC which will offer greater, seamless, and hassle-free access to Central Asia Countries where the potential for business, banking, and trade is immense and the markets there virtually untapped, untouched, and not fully exploited or explored. This means that the trade volumes are going to skyrocket, or break the ceiling, or simply exceed expectations as new markets are explored and regional economies get ready for more consumption. Thus, the prospect of making some serious moolahs on the back of the CPEC is too alluring to ignore for both businesses and banks.

Where there is increased trade, there is a trail of money to be found, and there must be a bank nearby. And all trades since the ancient times required a most secure method for all kinds of financial transactions. And that is where banks jump right into the foray big time. Even in the old days when trade was happening through the Silk Road, local money lenders and money exchangers acting as small bankers were offering some kind of safety and security to the financial transactions taking place along the route. The safety and security of financial transactions is as important as giving a real boost to international trade.

There are two important things: first and foremost, no country can ever grow quickly and persistently over a long period of time by staying disconnected from the international trade. And second of all, no country can become a thriving economy on the back of trade without the active backing of an equally robust and thriving banking sector facilitating that trade.
In any trade environment, the most important thing for an exporter is to get paid and for an importer to get his goods. If the exporter is not getting paid, then he is sending gifts. The banks can facilitate the trade by offering guarantees and other financial services to both exporters and importers in Pakistan. The payment methods if made secure and mediated by banks can help both the trade and bank. The international trade has many payment methods which include Cash-in-Advance, Letters of Credit, Bills of Exchange or Documentary Collections, and Open Account etc. Cash in advance method is best for exporters and riskier for importers. However, LCs or letters of credit is considered to be the most reliable and secure method available to international traders which is basically a guarantee given by a bank on behalf of the importer that if the terms of the LC are met by the exporter, the exporter will get his agreed payment. Billions of dollars of trade in USA is made secure by LCs offered by their banking sector. Documentary Collections or Bills of Exchange is another product which banks offer and is available to international traders. In this method of payment, a bank is nominated which receives the shipping documents from the exporter and once the importer comes in with the money, the goods can be claimed and picked up by the importer. Even in the open account payment method, banks are used as intermediaries between international traders.

Therefore, the biggest question that confronts Pakistani banking sector is this: are they ready for what is about to hit them? Because there could be 1001 ways to make real wampum once the CPEC gets underway. Sooner rather than later, Pakistan's trade environment will be truly global. The banks will have to offer new financial services or old financial offerings into a newly designed package but at an unprecedented scale and magnitude. The bank will to adjust to new trade environment taking shape in the country because it is no secret that international trade slows down if the financial banks are unable to offer secure payment methods.

According to the estimates of World Trade Organization, around 80 percent of world trade is backed up by financial offerings and credit guarantees offered by the banks. The reason is fairly simple: everyone wants to be on the safer and beneficial side when the trade happens. The exporter wants to receive payment as soon as the goods are delivered and the importer wants to keep his money with him until he has received the goods because there is an element of risk involved in international trade. Thus, the role played by banks in facilitating global trade is huge. For the developing countries, this role played by banks assumes greater significance because the growth of developing countries greatly depends upon trade volumes which are likely to stay strong and persistent if the banking sector is able to meet the demand for LCs, payment guarantees, and other insured financial services and help keep the wheels of trade moving along smoothly and surely. That is how the banking sector stands to benefit from the shifting trends in the trade environment of Pakistan which will be soon connected with the economies of the world that matter.

Pakistani banks will be able to explore new ways for making more revenues for themselves and for traders by forging new and unbreakable alliances with the corporate world, make cross border financial agreements, taking their services worldwide, and facilitating the trade so that the trade could move seamlessly across the borders.

Pakistani banks will have to find ways to offer cost effective solutions to international traders. The banks must offer these services in an efficient manner on an absolutely new scale and manage its own operations in a way that the banks can stay competitive and truly global over the coming decades. Their offerings of LCs and Bills of Exchange must be more efficient, robust, and really good if not better than those offered by international bankers. Pakistani banks can automate their financial services in the wake of the new trade environment.

The banks in Pakistan can make use of the latest technology which helps in automatically classifying LCs as they are generated in the form of invoices, purchase orders, agreements, and other certificates facilitating cross border trade. This wholehearted adoption of technology is going to put Pakistani banks on par with the rest of the banks in the world but will also prove to be less cumbersome, cost effective, and time saving. This in turn will help boost the trade big time. Pakistani banks will also have to ensure accuracy of their data in order to ensure compliance regulations. This can be done by the use of intelligent technology which helps in ensuring timely extraction, validation, and screening of the data and documents submitted with the banks. These are some of the things that banks in Pakistan must possess if they wish to improve their financial services for the facilitation of trade and also position themselves to better manage the trade happening and passing through the country. The adoption of the right kind of technology, better positioning of trade financial services, and making right adjustments to the scale and magnitude of the expected trade will definitely put Pakistani banks on the world map that helped the country become more competitive both globally and regionally.

The new Silk Road is estimated to generate $ 2.5 trillion in trade over the next ten years and some of that trade will pass through the proposed CPEC routes. China imports 60% of its oil from the Gulf and 48% of China's oil is transported via tanker ships which have to travel 16,000 kilometers for up to three months through the Malaka Straits and through the South China Sea which is fast becoming a contested region marked by competing claims to the sea lanes. That makes the trade through that route somewhat unsafe, uncertain, and ridden with untoward risks. And due to this ensuing uncertainty Gawadar Port offers a much less expensive alternative route which offers savings worth billions of dollars. Just in terms of numbers, CPEC once fully underway will add two percentage points to the GDP growth of Pakistan which will effectively take the GDP beyond 6% growth rate annually. That figure in itself speaks volumes about the sheer money potential of this proposed project. It has the potential to bring in huge influxes of money which would definitely force the banking industry to grow.

In the wake of CPEC, a great number of opportunities are coming to Pakistan. The need for strategic management, strategic budgeting, forecasting, planning, overall project accounting, investment banking, new and improved financial services are going to surge. The sectors of shipping, storing, transportation, and finance are going to jack up with huge financial appetite requiring more innovative and improved fast-paced financial and banking services on a larger than life scale. The need for taxation and streamlining of the taxation regime post CPEC will be undeniably great.

Anti-money laundering specialists, branch managers, financial analysts, CFOs, financial consultants, tax managers, financial management, banking consultants, investment bankers, trade marketers, and trade accountants will be in great demand over the next decade. Financial services and financial and banking sector will be in full swing once the trade through CPEC begins to flourish.

Increasing trade is the key to alleviating abject poverty, boosting economic activities and achieving shared prosperity. Evidence shows that countries open to trade and with better access to markets and better financial support infrastructure and regime for businesses and trade are able to provide more opportunities to their people to become successful businessmen, bankers, traders, and entrepreneurs. With enhanced participation in world economy, Pakistan stands a chance to become a major world economy.

Pakistani banks can learn a lesson or two from the banks of China and India. 3 out of top ten banks in the world are Chinese. They got to the place where they are today by actively supporting the international trade and offering products that helped in transforming local traders into world beaters.This happened because in order to ensure double digit economic growth, Chinese banks stepped up their game and grew exponentially in order to provide funds and credit for China's rapid economic development. Banks in India are reaching out to the remotest areas through a wide network of branch banking.

Risky investments are likely to go up as soon as the trade along the CPEC jumps into proper action. In a short span of time, economic wheels will start to roll with increased trade gyrations. With the increased privatization and undiscovered investment opportunities emerging in the economy, Pakistani banks could very well be looking at a rosy fiscal picture. Even an ordinary fruit exporter could be looking the way of the investment bankers to suggest ways for more financing opportunities for improving trade with the CARs.

In the wake of what is about to happen, Pakistani banking industry can do a few things to meet the ensuing challenges of CPEC: mobilizing savings through a wide network of branch banking; transforming savings into capital formation which could become the basis for more economic prosperity and development; finance the industrial sector and boost the capital markets; promote entrepreneurship by underwriting shares of new or existing companies; and help people acquire new skill sets in order to be able to better cope with the impending changes and major alterations expected to be caused by the new trade environment in Pakistan.

International trade is risky. Exporters want to be paid and importers want to receive their goods.To reduce the risk of losing money or goods, banks offer trade finance products like LCs etc., to facilitate trade. A shortfall in the supply of trade finance could result in trade also plunging - a scenario which Pakistani banks can avoid. G20 countries are already supporting trade finance. Now the ball is in the court of Pakistani banks to lead the charge. Now is the time to make or break: facilitate trade or run the risk of losing the game to other players.

In all of recorded history of the United States one instance stands out that still to this day has complicated international relations almost to the point of igniting another World War. Lessons learned in today's history books too many times omit the whole story behind actual events that have occurred. It is this Memorial Day that we remember the sacrifices that our military makes to keep our freedom alive. In that light it is no better time to bring to the worlds attention that some 66 years ago American President Truman made one of the most historical mistakes that continues to cause reverberations through-out the world.

In order to fully comprehend the danger that North Korea poses we have to go back to the end of World War II to understand that the mistakes made by the policy decisions of the Truman Administration has shaped the demographics that are playing out in South East Asia today. Much of what happened at the start of the Korean War is a testament to what history is supposed to teach us and what is actually happening in North Korea today. History is full of footnotes but one stands out as we remember this Memorial Day, the steadfast determination of General of The Army Douglas MacArthur. The determination to bring the Korean conflict to a swift and decisive end. But, was overruled by Truman who sought appeasement would save the United States from engaging in a broader war. The Truman Administration as well as the Joint Chiefs were too blind to history's clear lesson. For history teaches with unmistakable resolve that appeasement only begets new and bloodier wars. History also points out that no single instance where the end justifies the means, where appeasement has always led to not peace but an eventual reawakening where conflict is inevitable. We can look at it like blackmail, it lays the basis for new and successively greater demands until as in blackmail violence becomes the only alternative.
In MacArthur's own word sums up what we should have done to avoid the conflicts of today. "All men of good conscience earnestly seek peace. The method alone is an issue. Some, with me would achieve peace through a prompt and decisive victory at saving of human life, others through appeasement and compromise of moral principal with less regard for human life. The one course follows our great American tradition, the other but can lead to unending slaughter and our country's moral debasement." In summary we would not be experiencing the current danger and problems with North Korea, Russia and China today if General Douglas MacArthur had been listened to. It is interesting to note that many Presidents have sent the military on combat missions without Congressional approval. This of course is in direct violation of the Constitution. Yet, when Truman in June of 1950 sent combat troops to Korea he did so without a congressional mandate but authorized General MacArthur to use every means necessary with the full cooperation under the United Nations resolution in stopping the North Korean advances into South Korea. It was MacArthur who understood the logistics and the entire scope of what was going to be needed to stop the invasion of South Korea.

A lot of people didn't realize that Truman felt that the General was trying to gain political aspirations and would be threatening Truman's legacy. But, when the North Koreans attacked South Korea it was Truman and the Joint Chiefs who supported the United Nations Resolution in waging a limited war with North Korea. MacArthur realized that this was a form of appeasement rather than completing a decisive victory over North Korea. President Truman also failed to understand the persona of General MacArthur the way that FDR did. Granted, the General had his faults, all men do but his understanding of current conditions surrounding South East Asia at the time was crucial to bring an end to what was to become one of histories most notorious blunders of foreign policy. In the end was a catastrophe for the United States Armed Forces and the United States.

When MacArthur exercised his authority in seeking what would have become a decisive victory only to be accused of insubornation by Truman was a turning point in Americas foreign policy. We should emphasize the Constitution does not provide civilian control over the military. The General could have contested his relief but chose a more dignified manor in just stepping down to the delight of the spineless Joint Chiefs. It is also interesting that the Joint Chiefs who were supportive of MacArthur in the beginning turned against him and backed Truman's decision. But, what is missing from history is the fact that the General MacArthur never failed to carry out a direct order from the Joint Chiefs. It was Truman who really didn't understand the historical consequences that a limited war would do to the United States credibility and the rest of the world. At that time the U.S. military was far superior to any force including the Russians and the Chinese.

A Congressional inquiry triggered by MacArthur's relief ruled that Truman's actions violated constitutional and statutory requirements. General MacArthur's dismissal shocked Japan. As supreme commander he dealt with the Japanese not as a conqueror but as the great reformer. He was the great political missionary. What he gave to the people of Japan was not material aid and democratic reform alone but a new improved way of life. Life filled with freedom and dignity of the individual. To this day the Japanese continue to love and admire the one person who best understood what it takes to turn a defeated nation into a vibrant independent country filled with hope and attainable dreams. Had it not been for General MacArthur's guidance following World War II Japan could have never recovered the way it has.

Sad to say that today North Korea is not rewriting history but repeating it. The actions taken by the Trump Administration so far are only accelerating histories repeat. If we continue to ignore what lessons history is supposed to teach us we are doomed to make the same mistakes only this time the results will be far more catastrophic.
Augmented reality tools are widely divided into three main categories including AR 3D viewers where users place 3D models in the environment with or without using trackers. The second one is AR browser that enriches camera display with contextual information, for example, one can know about history or estimated value of a building by just pointing on the smartphone. The third one that top augmented reality companies in India have an AR experience is to create immersive gaming which utilises actual surroundings such as a bedroom or any other place.
Based on the types of AR development, many kinds of best Augmented Reality companies can be found for varied services. Some of the known Augmented Reality technology companies include AR product and game companies who develop book or games for retailing and sales purpose for consumers, another kind is AR platform companies who build and market their own products and also render custom services sidewise. They do this via a strong foundation and toolbox and enables experienced software developers to use them to create advanced AR solutions for other AR companies. The third category involves Universal AR viewers and Self-service AR companies who use self-service tools and technical expertise to test and create simple videos or animations. This is good for students, educators, publishers who can create AR via cost effective ways and without complete branded app. Another category for augmented reality companies is custom branded app development firms who work directly with agencies and brand marketers to create custom AR solutions for trade shows, advertisements and live events. It is a huge platform to build AR solutions that include 3D modelling, ecommerce platform or software services integration, game development, complex animations, notifications and much more. The final category of Augmented reality services providing companies is industry specific vertical companies who offer AR solutions to serve varied business verticals such as medical, industrial, pharmaceutical and cosmetics.

There are many benefits of augmented reality in business are many; a major one is that it promotes positive communication with customers and also within the business organization thereby improving work functions. For example, in ecommerce platforms, when an AR solution is developed it allows customers to view their looks in a particular outfit and can take decisions easily. Best augmented reality companies benefit the customers hugely by providing them most desirable services at affordable cost and high effectiveness.This type of service is especially given by software development and marketing production firms who conceptualize and build AR and VR applications. These can also be attained via virtual reality companies India.
The definition of DevOps differs from one practitioner to another. Some organizations implement DevOps as a practice, whereas others adopt it as a culture or movement. But each organization has to implement a number of changes while switching from conventional software development practices to DevOps. They further have to build an environment where all software development activities - coding, testing, deployment, and release - are integrated seamlessly into a single cycle.

DevOps further requires enterprises to facilitate constant communication and collaboration among programmers, testers, and operation staff. The practitioners further need to use specialized tools to unify development, QA and operations smoothly. At the same time, an enterprise also has to focus specifically on implementing DevOps testing to evaluate the quality of the software from the planning phase to deployment phase of the project. Hence, each enterprise has to focus on many factors to implement DevOps testing efficiently.
Key Points to Focus on while Implementing DevOps Testing

Test Automation

While implementing DevOps, the practitioner needs to ensure that all testing activities are aligned to a single cycle. The organization must explore ways to automate all the test cases and achieve 100% test coverage. It needs to automate both pre-testing and post-testing activities to facilitate continuous integration and delivery. Hence, the enterprise needs to invest in robust software testing frameworks and tools to automate the entire testing process and run the tests repeatedly throughout the DevOps cycle.

Continuous Integration

DevOps emphasises on continuous and rapid delivery of software applications. To facilitate faster delivery of software modules, the practitioner must facilitate continuous integration (CI). CI will enable QA professionals to perform unit tests regularly to evaluate the quality of code being added to the centralized code base on a daily basis. They can further get the bugs or defects identified through unit testing fixed immediately by coordinating with programmers.

The CI process will reduce the addition testing time as the code is evaluated continuously. However, the testers still need to perform code performance and white box security tests to evaluate the quality of application code more efficiently. That is why; it becomes essential for the practitioners to facilitate CI, and invest in robust continuous integration testing tools while implementing DevOps testing.

Additional Tests and Checks
CI will help enterprises to evaluate the quality of code being added to the centralized code base. But the enterprises still need to perform a variety of tests to evaluate the software's functionality, performance, usability, and accessibility. The QA professionals need to perform load testing under varying user loads to check the performance of the application while being accessed by a large number of users simultaneously.

Likewise, they need to perform compatibility testing to check how the application works with other devices, operating systems, and browsers. The QA professionals also need to perform elaborate usability testing to check if the application is simple and easy to use. An enterprise has to provide robust tools to enable QA professionals to perform compatibility, usability, and performance testing repeatedly throughout the DevOps cycle.

Production Environment Monitoring

A single DevOps cycle covers all software development activities - coding, testing and operations. Hence, the practitioner needs to get the software testers throughout the development and deployment process. In addition to performing the required tests, the QA professionals also need to monitor the production environment continuously. The constant monitoring of the production environment will help the testers to identify the bugs before make the software crash. Also, they can assess the real-time user experience delivered by the application by setting up specialized counters like server response time and CPU/memory utilization in the production environment.

Parallel Test Execution

While implementing DevOps, an enterprises need to ensure that a variety of tests are performed repeatedly and continuously. Hence, it needs to explore ways to enable QA professionals to perform the tests efficiently without extending software delivery time. The practitioner must standardize the entire testing environment and automate the deployment process. At the same time, the organization must execute the manpower and resources required to facilitate parallel test execution. The parallel test execution will help QA professionals to run the test cases under varying conditions and deliver more reliable test results.

Smooth and Constant Communication

DevOps require practitioners to unify software development, QA and operations. Hence, the programmers, testers and operation staff need to work as a single team throughout the DevOps cycle. The practitioners must create an environment where the programmers, testers and operation staff can stay connected and communicate with each other without any barrier or restriction. For instance, the programmers and Software QA testers must collaborate with each other to identify the areas affected during specific build and get the issues removed immediately. It is also important for the practitioners to convey the business requirements and product features clearly to each stakeholder in the project to reap benefits of DevOps testing.

On the whole, DevOps testing will help the enterprise to resolve production issues and fix software defects almost immediately without affecting continuous product delivery. But an enterprise has to focus on many things to implement DevOps testing successfully. It must implement a robust plan to manage both testing resources and tools in the new environment. Also, it needs to combine skilled professionals and robust tools to facilitate continuous testing and delivery.
As the data analytics industry has evolved over the years, so has the syllabus in courses related to the industry in universities. However, the challenge that always faces young or even seasoned professionals is that where they might place their next bets in terms of training as there are always so many choices that are being discussed simultaneously. Among most choices, the tools Audit Command Language and SAS are a regular feature. This implies that experience with these tools should be present on any professional's profile in order to lend any credibility.
Nevertheless, which of these should be stressed on is somewhat unclear as both are rarely implemented together. Listed below are the most prominent differences between these tools to understand the factors that would lead a company or a professional to make their choices:

1. Interface - The Audit Command Language is primarily a GUI based and targeted to towards end-users without a strong technical background i.e. auditors and accounting professionals. SAS on the other hand is designed in such way that most operations would be performed by writing appropriate scripts. Users of the SAS tool are expected to be familiar with concepts of data querying and manipulation.
2. Performance - ACL Audit Command Language is not known for performance when working with large data sets. As a matter of fact, according to some estimates, data lines beyond 10-15 million records start pushing ACL to its limit compared to SAS on an equally powerful machine.

3. Scale of Implementation - Since ACL is intended to be used by users who are not technical in nature, it can be scaled quite easily from the local desktop to a server environment. In the case of SAS software, depending on the software i.e. BASE or Enterprise Guide, connection to a server is mandatory. This implies that investment in SAS can be quite significant as the choice of packages within SAS also has to be considered.

It must also be pointed out that they both allow users to perform all the basic functions required for data analytics professionals. Given these differences, it would be fair to say that both tools have their merits and downfalls. However, when it comes down to making a choice, firms and professionals have to consider things like scope of projects to understand the ROI factor. For instance, it would be fair assume that a project which is to last only for a week, could be catered by Audit Command Language scripts and for projects with longer timeframes and larger data sets would choose SAS. These differences are equally valid for professionals looking to train on these tools. So choose wisely.
Rechargeable batteries save you money as you don't have to dispose them after use. All you need to do is recharge them and put them back to work.

Types of rechargeable batteries

The batteries are of many types. The most common types are:

Nickel-cadmium: They were the first units to get into the market. While they are great as they charge fast and perform excellently in cold environments, their main flaw is that they suffer from memory effect. When you don't fully charge them, they lose their capacity. You can go around this problem by running them flat before recharging them.

Due to inclusion of cadmium, the units aren't the most environmentally friendly in the market. When they die, you should dispose them properly to avoid harming the environment and your family members.

Nickel-metal hydride: These are cheaper and don't contain toxic heavy metals. Unlike their cadmium counterparts, they aren't affected by memory effect thus you don't have to run them flat before recharging them. You should note that they can get damaged if you don't recharge them for a long time. To extend their life, recharge them when they get down.
Lithium-ion: They are the most expensive in the market and come in different sizes and shapes thus you can find those that fit from digital cameras to mobile phones. While they are expensive, they are highly environmentally friendly as don't have harmful components.

A few things you should know about the batteries

To have a great experience with the units there are a number of things you should know:

The batteries have a lifespan: While they are rechargeable thus outlive their disposable counterparts, these units have a lifespan just like any other units in the world. The lifespan varies depending on the quality and how well you take care of them. For example, when you store the units in high temperatures, they will get damaged fast than when you place them in a cool environment.

Dispose the batteries correctly: When the units die, dispose them properly to avoid problems. They contain heavy metals that can be explosive or flammable. To protect your property avoid burning, puncturing, or dismantling them. The best way of disposing them is taking them to a company dedicated to recycling them.


This is what you need to know about rechargeable batteries. For them to last for long and give you a great service, buy them from a reputable store.

If looking for top quality Rechargeable custom Li-Polymer batteries we have plenty of them in our store. We also have high quality ODM 18650 Li-ion battery packs and many other units.
The definition of DevOps differs from one practitioner to another. Some organizations implement DevOps as a practice, whereas others adopt it as a culture or movement. But each organization has to implement a number of changes while switching from conventional software development practices to DevOps. They further have to build an environment where all software development activities - coding, testing, deployment, and release - are integrated seamlessly into a single cycle.

DevOps further requires enterprises to facilitate constant communication and collaboration among programmers, testers, and operation staff. The practitioners further need to use specialized tools to unify development, QA and operations smoothly. At the same time, an enterprise also has to focus specifically on implementing DevOps testing to evaluate the quality of the software from the planning phase to deployment phase of the project. Hence, each enterprise has to focus on many factors to implement DevOps testing efficiently.

Key Points to Focus on while Implementing DevOps Testing

Test Automation

While implementing DevOps, the practitioner needs to ensure that all testing activities are aligned to a single cycle. The organization must explore ways to automate all the test cases and achieve 100% test coverage. It needs to automate both pre-testing and post-testing activities to facilitate continuous integration and delivery. Hence, the enterprise needs to invest in robust software testing frameworks and tools to automate the entire testing process and run the tests repeatedly throughout the DevOps cycle.

Continuous Integration

DevOps emphasises on continuous and rapid delivery of software applications. To facilitate faster delivery of software modules, the practitioner must facilitate continuous integration (CI). CI will enable QA professionals to perform unit tests regularly to evaluate the quality of code being added to the centralized code base on a daily basis. They can further get the bugs or defects identified through unit testing fixed immediately by coordinating with programmers.

The CI process will reduce the addition testing time as the code is evaluated continuously. However, the testers still need to perform code performance and white box security tests to evaluate the quality of application code more efficiently. That is why; it becomes essential for the practitioners to facilitate CI, and invest in robust continuous integration testing tools while implementing DevOps testing.

Additional Tests and Checks
CI will help enterprises to evaluate the quality of code being added to the centralized code base. But the enterprises still need to perform a variety of tests to evaluate the software's functionality, performance, usability, and accessibility. The QA professionals need to perform load testing under varying user loads to check the performance of the application while being accessed by a large number of users simultaneously.

Likewise, they need to perform compatibility testing to check how the application works with other devices, operating systems, and browsers. The QA professionals also need to perform elaborate usability testing to check if the application is simple and easy to use. An enterprise has to provide robust tools to enable QA professionals to perform compatibility, usability, and performance testing repeatedly throughout the DevOps cycle.

Production Environment Monitoring

A single DevOps cycle covers all software development activities - coding, testing and operations. Hence, the practitioner needs to get the software testers throughout the development and deployment process. In addition to performing the required tests, the QA professionals also need to monitor the production environment continuously. The constant monitoring of the production environment will help the testers to identify the bugs before make the software crash. Also, they can assess the real-time user experience delivered by the application by setting up specialized counters like server response time and CPU/memory utilization in the production environment.

Parallel Test Execution

While implementing DevOps, an enterprises need to ensure that a variety of tests are performed repeatedly and continuously. Hence, it needs to explore ways to enable QA professionals to perform the tests efficiently without extending software delivery time. The practitioner must standardize the entire testing environment and automate the deployment process. At the same time, the organization must execute the manpower and resources required to facilitate parallel test execution. The parallel test execution will help QA professionals to run the test cases under varying conditions and deliver more reliable test results.

Smooth and Constant Communication

DevOps require practitioners to unify software development, QA and operations. Hence, the programmers, testers and operation staff need to work as a single team throughout the DevOps cycle. The practitioners must create an environment where the programmers, testers and operation staff can stay connected and communicate with each other without any barrier or restriction. For instance, the programmers and Software QA testers must collaborate with each other to identify the areas affected during specific build and get the issues removed immediately. It is also important for the practitioners to convey the business requirements and product features clearly to each stakeholder in the project to reap benefits of DevOps testing.

On the whole, DevOps testing will help the enterprise to resolve production issues and fix software defects almost immediately without affecting continuous product delivery. But an enterprise has to focus on many things to implement DevOps testing successfully. It must implement a robust plan to manage both testing resources and tools in the new environment. Also, it needs to combine skilled professionals and robust tools to facilitate continuous testing and delivery.
If you want to sustain steady terms with your clients and up surge your business on the World Wide Web, having the feature of Live Chat Support is a must. It is a powerful tool that helps any business gain more traffic. You can communicate with your customers, know their choice and preference. It can directly help you in improving the quality of your product plus if your customers or potential clients need any support, you can be easily available to them. Installing a software for chat on your website is a marvelous tool for making a brand image and you can even advertise your products and services through it, which can lead to more business.

So, if you are missing this important tool, you must start using it right away. These days come across a new software related to live chat support, every now and then. However, not every tool or software is useful. First of all select the right software for your business and enjoy great business. To make your task easy, here is a list of top ten chat support service providers. These are ruling the charts this year by offering seamless services and fetching good reviews by their users.

Scroll down and check out the list:

Zendesk: With great reviews and multiple benefits, the first chat software in our list is Zendesk. It definitely helps in enhancing your terms with the customers. Zendesk allows you to communicate with your clients through various modes like phones and emails. You can get connected to your customers on the social media platform as well and of course you have live chat medium. When you use Zendesk, you can connect to your clients on various mediums through one single platform. It can help you in having a meaningful communication which can be productive in nature as you can get immediate communication from the client's side. At present, Zendesk is used in 150+ countries and it offers live chat support in more than 40 languages that makes it a user-friendly. You can modify it according to your convenience.

Velaro: One of the most liked customer support software, Velaro is always to be customized according to the need of the business. It is really very flexible and you don't have to mold your business strategies around it because it will adapt according to your requirements. Velaro had an inbuilt CRM module plus a shopping cart tool that gives suggestions to the customers on products, which is based on their past surfing. You can also see the items in the cart of your clients, get their shopping history and the previous chat records. When you have such detailed data related to your clients, you can easily start the communication and make your sale.

Olark: Olark is a popular chat support software which offers some really cool features including targeted chat and cobrowsing. They have some really cool themes for holidays and it helps a lot in grabbing the attention of the customers. Olark can easily integrate with Highrise, Zendesk, Webhooks and it will give the transcriptions to your CRM. You can also check the conversation rate of the chat and make a list of priority customers. For making more sales, it is a nice software.
My LiveChat: For those companies who want the chat support to look more personal, using My LiveChat is the best software. You can also monitor the real time visitors who are online. This is also a great software for multiple chat sessions. Plus you can keep a record of the FAQs related to the products and services offered by your company. It helps a lot in providing instant response and that can lead to more sales. If you want to do branding through chat, My LiveChat offers the feature of sharing your logo with the audience. You can also send customized wishes and greetings and send to the clients through this software.

LiveHelpNow: If your business is small or medium, you can go in for LiveHelpNow. This software allows the user to perform live chat along with sending personalized messages. It supports translation of message and if you are looking for some discounts and incentives, this one is the perfect chat support software. The rate of integration of LiveHelpNow with Google Analytics, Salesforce and AdSense is snappy plus it offers an exclusive extension named Social Insights. By using this, you can land at the social profile of your visitors and you can easily check if they have been to your website before or not. This is an easy software with amazing functions.

SnapEngage: SnapEngage is also a great software for chat support. They have this lovely feature of weather on their chat console which shows your location as well. It can help you in engaging the customers. Apart from that, it is an efficient and easy to use tool. It not only helps you communicate with your customers but it gets adapted to the workflow of your company and you can deal with the customers with ease. While using this tool, you can create constructive messages and correspond to various social media related to your business. It can be a complete manager of your business. You can directly chat with your clients through Facebook by using this software. It allows the customer support executive to add a picture and by doing this you can make the profile look more personal. While working in a team, you can easily transfer chat from one agent to the other one.

LiveChat: LiveChat is a wonderful and easy to use chat support software which is suitable for all the platforms like Android, Mac and Window etc. It helps in enhancing the considerations of your clients. For a perfect communication with your clients and getting real time visitors LiveChat is always considered as the best one in industry. You can get the surfing details, past chat records and database related to the online customers with LiveChat.

LivePerson: When it comes to the best interactive chat support software, LivePerson usually comes into mind. This is because it offers easy alliance with Facebook and Salesforce app. This application has an array of features decked up with analytical tools. By using these tools you can figure out the major loopholes of the chat process plus it has a feature with which the customer can rate the chat experience. If you are looking for some software which can help you in monitoring the mistakes and improving in customer communication, this is the best one. It is a flexible and easy to use software.

ClickDesk: When it comes to a chat software which enables the involvement of multiple customers at one time, you cannot just go wrong with ClickDesk. It also gives the opportunity to the customers to choose the mode of chat conversation. You can know the location of the customer through this software. If you want to bridge the gap between your company and the customers, you must use this flexible, easy to use and helpful software.

PureChat: For those who are looking for a dynamic live chat support software for their small business, PureChat is the right one. It helps in generating leads, up surging sales and keeping a record of the visitors on the website. You can easily make conversation with your target customers with this software. It gives the opportunity of sending multiple messages to customers with just one click.
As the data analytics industry has evolved over the years, so has the syllabus in courses related to the industry in universities. However, the challenge that always faces young or even seasoned professionals is that where they might place their next bets in terms of training as there are always so many choices that are being discussed simultaneously. Among most choices, the tools Audit Command Language and SAS are a regular feature. This implies that experience with these tools should be present on any professional's profile in order to lend any credibility.

Nevertheless, which of these should be stressed on is somewhat unclear as both are rarely implemented together. Listed below are the most prominent differences between these tools to understand the factors that would lead a company or a professional to make their choices:

1. Interface - The Audit Command Language is primarily a GUI based and targeted to towards end-users without a strong technical background i.e. auditors and accounting professionals. SAS on the other hand is designed in such way that most operations would be performed by writing appropriate scripts. Users of the SAS tool are expected to be familiar with concepts of data querying and manipulation.
2. Performance - ACL Audit Command Language is not known for performance when working with large data sets. As a matter of fact, according to some estimates, data lines beyond 10-15 million records start pushing ACL to its limit compared to SAS on an equally powerful machine.

3. Scale of Implementation - Since ACL is intended to be used by users who are not technical in nature, it can be scaled quite easily from the local desktop to a server environment. In the case of SAS software, depending on the software i.e. BASE or Enterprise Guide, connection to a server is mandatory. This implies that investment in SAS can be quite significant as the choice of packages within SAS also has to be considered.

It must also be pointed out that they both allow users to perform all the basic functions required for data analytics professionals. Given these differences, it would be fair to say that both tools have their merits and downfalls. However, when it comes down to making a choice, firms and professionals have to consider things like scope of projects to understand the ROI factor. For instance, it would be fair assume that a project which is to last only for a week, could be catered by Audit Command Language scripts and for projects with longer timeframes and larger data sets would choose SAS. These differences are equally valid for professionals looking to train on these tools. So choose wisely.

Visit the video channel for information on data analytics
When you are deciding to buy a premium Magento template, it means that the web store you own is doing pretty much good. However, it is advisable that you should not get the first one being impulsive. Such professional templates are a bit expensive even though you have a regular license. Although most of the template stores today, offer a guarantee of money back, it is always better to start diminishing the risks from the beginning. Here is a list of a few smart tips that would help you to buy any premium Magento template for the first time and would make sure you are spending your money on the right thing.

Make Sure Web Design is of High Quality

Responsive design, clean code, compatibility in cross-browser, customisation etc. are some of the deciding aspects of web design standards. Even though most of the Magento themes come with a feature-rich set of best-practised qualities, it is advisable to check them by yourself. Additionally, you need to check whether all the extensions that you would need are working fine on this theme or not. Catchy graphics is a compulsory need in such premium template. Other than this, you need to check the page loading speed, how smooth the navigation is along with usability. Aesthetics and readability are also crucial deciding aspects.

Go for Detailed Customisation Options
When you are buying a premium Magento template, you would look for more functionalities other than just widget or layout arrangements. You would have authority to customise your online store according to your requirements. It should offer you a handful of customised colour variations, customisable grid views and product pages along with customised background patterns. To maximise the readability, you need to change the font sizes as well. Hence, before finalising your mind on a particular premium theme, you need to check whether you can do all these above-mentioned customisations or not.

Check for Mobile Friendliness

In today's tech-savvy world, this is an undeniable fact that the mobile technology is advancing rapidly and along with it, mobile shopping is becoming immensely popular as well. A 'fully responsive" design might work exceptionally good on the iOS platform but might underperform on the Android devices. You should check it by yourself on every major platform of mobile devices.

Apart from all these above-mentioned points, you need to go with such themes that are not only SEO-optimised but provides the extended supports as well. Do a proper market research and check what your competitors are using. Additionally, you can check whether the theme is offering added blog template or not. A blog template is definitely an added advantage. However, above all, you need to make sure whether the theme you are getting has money-back guarantee or not. Thus, such a few calculative steps would make your online store a success.

If you've ever searched for a good property manager before, then you know how difficult it can be to find a good one for your rental property. There are several property managers out there, probably more than what you really need to bring your property into the market.

With so many choices available, you may find it difficult to choose one for your unit. But don't worry - if you ask the right questions while shopping around for property managers, you'll get a better idea of who would make the best fit for your property. Ask them these questions when discussing your property to see if they're the right property manager for you:

1. What type of properties have you managed?

Experience counts for a lot in property management, and it can separate the good ones from the ones you should steer away from. Experience in this field, however, isn't just about the number of years worked in the field; it's also about what type of properties they've managed. Depending on what type of property you have, you can either go with someone who specialises in managing properties like yours or someone who has more varied experience managing different types of properties.

2. How do you screen potential tenants?

Screening potential tenants is one of the most important steps to property management, so the way they do this often reflects their level of service to your property. Ask them how they'll match tenants to your property and what their process is like for finding tenants. This will give you a better idea of how they operate and what lengths they'll go to find the right match for your property.

3. How do you handle late payments by tenants?

Finding tenants is just one phase of property management; the longer phase involves managing the tenancy itself. Asking them this question will show you what their management style is like and how they'll deal with critical rental issues like these. See if their process aligns with what you expect them to do and how you want your property to be managed.

4. How do you respond to complaints?
Similar to the previous question, this question allows you to gauge how well a potential property manager will handle the landlord-tenant relationship. Remember that a property manager will act as the mediator between you and your tenant, so it's important that you're comfortable with their process for dealing with any complaints or issues.

5. How often do you do inspections?

Routine inspections are important to any tenancy agreement, and the number of times it's done per year will help give you better peace of mind as the landlord or owner. This question will also show you how well the property manager will look after your property even after the start of the tenancy.

6. What's the right rental price for my property?

If you've done your research beforehand, this question will let you assess how well a potential property manager knows the market and what they can offer you. It also allows you to get a better idea of what your property is worth in the current market. Compare their answer with different property managers to see what they offer and to better understand where your property stands in the market.

7. What are the things I can do to improve my listing?

Asking them this question won't just reveal their expertise in property management, but it'll also help you put your property in the best position in the market. Note their suggestions, assess how relevant they are, and decide whether or not they can get your property where you want it to be.

8. What are the full costs and fees for managing my property?

Some have small sign-up fees but a variety of hidden fees once you sign on and let them manage your property. Avoid getting surprised by such fees, and ask them to indicate all management and service fees included in their service. The more complicated their fee structure is, the bigger the headache (and expense) it will likely be.

9. What can you do that others can't?

This is where prospective property managers will try to sell you on what they offer and how well they set themselves apart from the competition. It's also the part where you assess the intangibles in any working relationship, giving you a better idea of how well they meet your standards. Listen well, take notes, and assess if they provide what you're looking for.

With so many choices available today, finding the right property management company can be difficult. But by asking the right questions and doing your research beforehand, you'll find that all the hard work you put into finding the right manager will be worth it. Once you find the right one, your property (and wallet) will surely thank you.
The sentiments of having a place to call your own back in your homeland is no more just a feeling of nostalgia but also an added sense of security. With the rupee going up and down, the time seems just right for Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) or Person of Indian Origin (PIO) to invest in property in India. Rules and regulations are being made simpler to attract more investments that filters any prior permission from authorities. Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA).

The Need-to-knows

What kind of property can you invest in? You are free to own either residential or commercial property in India from the builders in Bangalore. But you cannot purchase any agricultural land, farm house or plantation property. You can receive such either in inheritance or gift.

Transaction Currency - Whether you buy a property from the best builder in Bangalore or property developers in Chennai, all your transactions are billed in Indian Rupees (INR). All your transactions will be accounted via normal banking channels through an NRI account.
Sources of Finance - Loan lending has been made simpler for NRIs when looking to invest with good builders in Bangalore. The RBI has predetermined home loan norms where 80% amount can be financed by any financial institution while the rest is borne by the NRI.

Points to check - At the time of purchase, ensure that you get the Property Name is issued clearly, there are no outstanding bills, No Dues Certificate is issued from the seller, Bank Release Letters are acquired in case of any property mortgage and all Permits/ Approvals from Civic Authorities in terms of construction are delivered to you at the time of property sale.

Tax applicability- You will be required to spend on stamp duty and registration fees at the time of property purchase. You can avail all benefits at par with Indian Residents on the interest paid. Standard deduction from income is applicable as per the standard slab. If the country he/ she resides in has a Double Tax Avoidance Agreement with India, then the tax is exempted.

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) along with FEMA are also providing the benefits of repatriation of the capital involved in investing in ongoing apartment projects in Chennai.

Apart for the above-mentioned important points there could be still plenty more things to consider so kindly check with a reliable resource and find the best options for you before you invest in India.

The on-demand economy is one of the emerging and most money-making business concepts while outperforming all sorts of conventional business models. With the help of on-demand apps, entrepreneurs can drive customers to make use of advanced mobile technology and attain greater convenience to perform their regular yet crucial tasks.

Gone are the days, when apps were just for playing games, chatting or communication. At present, it serves as an efficient medium for growing your business as well as performing both professional and personal tasks quickly and efficiently.

The Story Behind the Upsurge of On-demand Apps

Think about a situation where you need to book a cab late at night to reach the airport? What if you are feeling quite low at home and craving for your favourite chocolate ice cream? These are the situations, where on-demand apps are the fastest to offer you the best service. These services greatly help people, especially urbanites to make their routine tasks simpler, thereby avoiding all sorts of mobility issues of densely populated locations.

Latest trends for Personalised Services

While dwelling in a densely populated place, there are many rules of traffic and parking issues. Thus, you might need to cancel out your shopping plans, especially after going through a tedious day in the office. Some of the situations that call the need of these services are:

-From home cleaning to home decoration.
-From food delivery to babysitting.
-From skin care and makeup to furniture and fixtures.
-From transportation to medical services and much more.

Crucial factors to know for Succeeding in the On-demand App Market

Some of the most crucial factors that decide the future of these kinds of services are:

-Easy and quick payment mode: Hassle-free payment mode will help in enhancing the customer experience while purchasing products and services.
-Convenience: People prefer to avail those services which, are convenient and help them to place the order quickly.
-Time Punctuality: Service availability within the predefined time duration.
-Cost-efficiency: The products and services must meet budgetary needs of the common people.
-Awareness of service: Your on-demand app must reach a wider spectrum of audience which, would increase downloads and usage.
-Product or Service Quality: Faster and Quality-oriented services gain greater trust of people and customer connect.

Wrapping Up

The consumer behaviour is rapidly changing and it has become important for entrepreneurs to make their service mobile-driven and more accessible to customers. Thus, these services are now the new tool for seamless business growth. They offer great opportunities to companies for personalising customer experiences and avail the desired services easily. Furthermore, they can serve basic demands of people and this, in turn, helped them to succeed in this mobile-first world.

Rob Stephen is an experienced professional working with Vision & Solutions, specialised on app development in Australia who has great experience in building intuitive mobile apps.
Introductions can cause quite a bit of vacillate. Whether you 'harshly a student or a bookish, learn how to richly and effectively focus on a self-commencement to a class or a group.

I've taught hundreds of corporate workshops as swiftly as on summit of a dozen academe classes. I know from experience that many students and corporate professionals are often quite uncomfortable introducing themselves to an organization. My heart pounding, my twist beet red, my mind half listening to the others and half tortured virtually what I was going to state, I've been there.

So what with we dependence to know very roughly introducing ourselves to that person sitting nearby us? What makes a suitable creation? And how campaign we go virtually it? Here are 3 tips:

Tip #1: Share Your Story

Everyone knows that once we introduce ourselves, we need to speak loudly and clearly as we part carefully chosen mention approximately ourselves. The problem for most is, what exactly should you portion?

If you on speaking the scholastic, child support in mind the objective of your commencement is to urge roughly the students mood pleasing and eager to be learning from a credible competent who is as well as harmonious. You'll nonexistence to portion your professional background and credentials as subsequent to ease as decorate one or two non-professional interests. Optionally you might trace at values that are important to you. Remember: your educational establishment will set the heavens for the blazing of the class.

For example, whenever I tutor a public speaking class, I begin class by delivering a 3-5 minute speech that tells my tab. I accustom why I have an undergraduate degree in computer systems and a master's degree in a highly swing place of organizational and interpersonal communication. I have enough allocation an opinion by my career choices in term of my personal and professional experiences. In essence, I pronounce a cohesive description that explains what I did and why I did it. In my battle, it serves both as an commencement to the class and as campaigning of how to control a brusque presentation just more or less yourself (which happens to be the first assignment for the students).

In association classes and workshops, I've delivered a shorter checking account of the same bank account and often people have commented not quite the order of how they appreciate hearing not just what I've the call off, but why I did it. By disclosing unique hint about myself, I be neighboring to subsequent to students and often arrival and inspire them to part in a same heavens.

The best classroom introductions are ones that share experiences in the form of a bank account. I noticed a definite shift in the air of the introductions behind I started delivering my classroom introductions as a report.

Tip #2: Share Related Information
Although the intellectual foundation is about establishing credibility and likability and building rapport, the student establishment should focus mainly on building rapport and rouse thing memorable. This means if you are the student, it is important for you to allowance unique opinion nearly yourself that will previously occurring the subsidiary students (and the instructor) to recall who you are and plus to air in imitation of you've got something in common as soon as them.

In an academic classroom, this usually means sharing a few of your interests. Choose one or two you think others in the class might portion but in addition to insert one that is every single one unique to you. So for example, I might allocation in version to, I'm Lisa, Lisa Marshall and I'm a computer system major. When I sanction a crack from studying it's to go for a swim or a bike ride, or to go rollerblading subsequent to my dog!

Oh, and by the pretentiousness, this isn't the times to portion mention that is too personal. Avoid awkward conversation-stoppers along in addition to politics, a messy divorce, or your 37 cats, that make people uneasy. Stick once what draws people together rather than taking into account what divides us.

In a corporate classroom, participant introductions should focus almost the person's role and what he or she would bear in mind to profit from the workshop. For example, consent let's say you are a project manager in a public speaking workshop. You might herald on the subject of this, Hi, I'm Clair, Clair Hendricks and I'm answerable for TGA evolve and project handing out. For me, I'd bearing in mind to hear more very roughly how to engage the audience particularly during client kick-off meetings.

Tip #3: Have Some Fun

A fun habit to create introductions a tiny more enjoyable is to have some fun once them.

One fine idea for facilitators is to rupture all the participants into little groups of 2-4 people. For example, I would follow to introduce you to Jeff Rogers. He likes to kayak, ride bikes once his young people sons, and eat ice cream as often as possible.

Another game is each person in the class lists three things roughly themselves. Two things will be definite, the third will be a lie, and the dynamism gets to guess which is which. For example, Hi, my pronounce is Kim Jacobs. I own an RV, have 7 adopted children, and studied for a month in Paris last year. The comfortable situation very approximately this game is that everyone listens utterly carefully. I will not forget Kims name because she's the first person I ever met subsequent to 7 adopted children! One word of have the funds for an opinion about nearly that game: I've noticed that sometimes, a few weeks collective, people recall the lie as the firm!

Finally, if the group is very large, it is still attainable to enjoy the gain of introductions. In this skirmish you can handily form groups of 4 or 5 that introduce themselves to each strengthen unaccompanied and as well as the workshop progresses within that same team.

The bottom parentage is that introductions in the classroom are utterly important. Our relational group thrives upon knowing that person sitting adjoining us. So make a get hold of pleasurable later than introducing yourself. Be complimentary to pick personal facts that are unique and tempting, but not divisive or uncomfortable to others. And if you can come going on later a fun, late accrual way to introduce people to each additional, as well as obtain.
The speed of a VPN is an important thing to consider, and may also be a determining factor for many people when deciding whether they should use a VPN at all. Speed really does matter when it comes to the Internet. Even if a VPN provides improved online security and can help get around blocked content, if the service is slow, the overall experience will be far from ideal.

In this article, I will look at several factors that can influence the speed of a VPN, and how they can be mitigated.

1) The VPN Server Location

Typically, establishing a connection with a VPN server closer to your location will result in better speed. This is because the complexity of Internet traffic goes up as the distance between you and the VPN server increases. The more complex the traffic, and the greater the distance data has to travel, the slower the VPN speed.

If you don't have a good reason for connecting to a particular VPN location, picking the one closest to you is the best option. For example, if you live in Texas and want to log into a US VPN server, use one in Houston or Dallas instead of one in New York. Similarly, if you're located in China and need a US VPN server, find one that is available on the West Coast over one somewhere in the east.

2) The VPN Protocols

Different protocols can be used to establish a VPN connection. Some of the more popular ones include OpenVPN (over UDP or TCP), SSTP, PPTP and L2TP/IPSec. Everything else being equal, each protocol can result in a significantly different VPN speed. For example, using OpenVPN over UDP typically results in a faster connection than OpenVPN over TCP.
There are no hard set rules as to which protocol will give you the best speed. OpenVPN over UDP is a good default to try. If you find yourself having issues, try switching to a different protocol to see if your VPN speed improves.

3) Encryption Level

Stronger encryption is often more complex and can, as a result, slow down a VPN. A 128-bit encryption will in most cases lead to a faster connection than a 256-bit one.

On the downside, lowering encryption strength will make the VPN connection less secure and the transmitted data more vulnerable. So, you can try playing around with the encryption level, but unless you see significant speed improvements with weaker encryption, it is best to stick to the stronger versions.

4) VPN Server Load and Bandwidth

How powerful the VPN server is will have a significant impact on the speed. Overloaded servers with a bandwidth that cannot keep up with the demand will result in a much slower experience.

The client software you use to connect to a VPN service will usually tell you how many IP addresses and how much bandwidth a server has. The higher those numbers, the more powerful the server. Those same clients sometimes even show real-time usage. If the server you're connected to is overloaded, switching to a different one is usually as simple as a couple of mouse clicks.

5) Your Network Setup

Whether your device is on a wired network and physically connected to a router or using WiFi can affect VPN speed. This distinction is especially relevant if you have a fast connection to the outside world. Because a wired connection is often quicker than WiFi, the latter can be a limiting factor. You can try plugging your computer directly into the router to see if there is a speed improvement.

Ultimately, not all VPN providers are created equal. Even under ideal conditions, the speed and reliability they offer may be drastically different. If you have tried implementing several of the methods mentioned in this article but are still not seeing speed improvements, it may be time to consider switching VPN providers.
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