Dar es Salaam. Members who want to contest Parliament for the CCM ticket will now be forced to become the local residents who want to represent it, which may be able to eliminate almost half of the current parliamentary parties.

Given the Constitution of the United Republic to allow anyone to go wherever he wishes, it has become easier for a person to live in a city like Dar es Salaam and to contest a parliamentary state in another province.

And that freedom has enabled people like Augustine Mrema, chairman of the TLP party, to be a Moshi Village MP for a CCM ticket, Temeke (NCCR-Reform) and Vunjo (TLP).

And it is due to that freedom, many parliamentary parties, living in Dar es Salaam and representing the states of their native areas.

Even officials from the state, especially the regional and district authorities, and the other, take a vacation during the selection of candidates and go to their natural or growing areas to request the dismissal and the visa return to the shelter.

But the new constitution of CCM prevents members from contesting the parliament, the council or any other position without being a resident of the area.

"Take note of my words, in 2020 the parliamentary candidates will be those who come from the respective areas, who know and deal with the problems of the people," said the CCM scientist and humphrey polepole in an interview with Times FM radio station yesterday.

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