PRESENTER; What process do you get to get candidates ?, what kind of leaders do you have? If you have leaders who may be targeted for bribery and get it this brings what kind of infirmity in the whole party that there are leaders who can scourge and betray a party, help us in CHADEMA what kind of leaders are there?

MSIGWA: Let's understand first corruption is the influence, giving and receiving all corruption is wrong. Corruption is a criminal offense made by Chadema or CCM people or to a person who does not have a party. Unless we look at the context of this corruption, people have tried to use this bribe to cheat the public for their personal interests.

By deceiving people's reputation, there is a good job performance so they can work better by buying them the biggest thing we are doing and trying to stop. So it's not an issue of hellfire is a criminal offense

PRESENTER: Now why are CHADEMA councilors only and not of the other parties, why are CUF Cities and other parties why? That's why I asked you what kind of leaders?

MSIGWA: When we talk about that, we must look at the Tanzanian politics context, while we are in opposition, trying to oppose the government we are trying to motivate citizens to see the government unfit. And that's the role of the opposition politician to criticize the existing government in power according to the rules and procedures we set for the people to see it inappropriate to bring about development

PRESENTER: So the goal is to make the people see the government inappropriate?

MSIGWA: Yes, yes, that's our job

PRESENTER: Is it really inappropriate?


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