Masha said at a meeting of the CHADEMA and Journalists today, saying that at present Tanzanians are scared with different feelings about their safety, it is advisable to accept external sources to investigate to reduce the feelings.

Help is not a mess, but in my experience when I was Minister, many soldiers were doing 'training' out and I still believe that when we ask for help, it does not have the power but it is a source of fear for citizens. Tanzanians do not live in fear of "Masha.

He added that "We should not deny aid, since no one has said Tanzanian soldiers are unjust but not a few." It is not our life that people have died in fear of terrorism among Tanzanians.

Despite that Mh. Masha has pleaded not guilty to Interior Minister, Nkonyeni Nkonyeni and Inspector General of Tanzania, Simon Sirro for refusing to investigate the exploratory expedition to help alleviate the feelings and fears of Tanzanians as it is the police operation.

However, he has added to the government that the incidents do not affect Tanzanians only because even foreign nations are wondering about Tanzania's security.

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