Dar es Salaam. East Singida MP, Tundu Lissu, Alute Mughwai, described how he had given his minority an ICU hospital and what he said immediately after he left for the first time. Speaking to the President today on Wednesday, Alute said Lissu immediately not only he was happy but even his brothers who were present enjoyed the event.
"The nurses planned to release him on Saturday (October 14) and Lissu knew we were going, he told them not to wait for his brothers to arrive, I was with other brothers," Alute said.
"At 10 pm we delivered it and I gave it ICU, he was happy and we were happy with that step," he added.
When the citizen wanted to know, when Lissu came out, he said, "he was happy for the first time being sunny, he said it's the same as being a prisoner does not see the sun, the clouds do not beat the ordinary wind."
The Lissu family is celebrated
Alsu said Lissu stayed out about half an hour and then returned to the wod where she was kidnapping though it was not ICU but has protection and intimidation and not everyone can see it.
"As Mbowe said (Chairman of Chadema-Freeman Mbowe) yesterday, he goes on well and he is smart."
Regarding the process of sending her out of Nairobi where the family will be more involved, Alute has said: "I was Nairobi, so I'm going to report what will follow after communicating with the brothers."
He said the brothers in different parts of Kenya, Australia, the United States, Canada, who will have to negotiate first and will report on what is going on.

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