President John Magufuli has made a cabinet change by saying four ministers were present at the original council.

Deleted ministers were the Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism, Professor Jumanne Maghembe and his position was taken by Hamis Kigwangwala, former Deputy Minister of Health.

Another left was Minister of Water and Irrigation, Engineer Gerson Lwenge whose position was taken by the Katavi MP, Issack Kamwele, former deputy minister of the ministry.

The plan also revolves around the former Deputy Minister for Information, Culture, Art and Sports, Annastazia Wambura, who has been replaced by MPC Special Committee member Juliana Shule.

Former Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism, Ramo Makani has been expelled and replaced by Vice MP, Japhet Hasunga.

This is the first time for President Magufuli to make changes to his cabinet since he has entered into power.

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