If your sperm isn’t making it to the finish line, just a few small lifestyle changes could make a big difference. About 15 percent of couples have trouble conceiving, and at least a third of the time the guy’s sperm is at fault, according to the National Institutes of Health.
Here, are some ways your guy can boost his fertility and increase chances of getting pregnant. MAKE THEM MOBILE Your sperm must carry out their mission in 12 to 14 hours; that’s how long the egg, once it’s released, remains viable.
Success can depend on their swimming speed. So help them out: Put down the smartphone. In a Cleveland Clinic study, men who used their phones more had decreased sperm mobility, perhaps because of these phones’ electromagnetic waves.
STOP SMOKING. If you need one more excuse to quit, here it is. Smoking cigarettes and marijuana can cause oxidative stress and damage your sperm. What’s more, a recent study in the journal Human Reproduction found that smoking marijuana can change the size and shape of the sperm as well

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