The police in Rukwa district are holding Bakari Kessy, a fatal truck owner, causing 15 deaths and nine others injured.

The owner of the vehicle with the registration number T 425 BFF, is the son of a late politician, Ally Kessy (CCM), a member of the Northern Nkhata State MP in the Nkasi District in Rukwa district.

The truck was packed with grain sacks, including maize, which turned around and killed 15 people, including 10 women and five men with a young age as a two-year-old baby and 84 years old.

Rukwa Regional Police Commander George Kyando said they arrested the owner of the car because his driver had run away, so it was his responsibility to explain where he was, and he failed to be sentenced to court for a mistake of neglecting his driver's records.

It was reported that the car was searched for by the police after he realized that the car had won him, and he flew through the window and left it with passengers walking faster and hit rock and then turned.

"We really hold a car accident driver Bakari Kessy to show us when he is a driver because he is the one who keeps his records in failure then we will bring him to court," explained Kyando Commander.

In addition, he explained that 14 out of 15 dead bodies were identified and taken by their relatives for the preparation of their institution except the body of late Abuu Amani (37) Kigoma resident of Kigoma has not been taken by his relatives.

Recognized bodies taken by their siblings are Domona Tenganamba (41), Emmanuel Rashid (84), Restuta Sunga (35), Salula Revana (64), Felisia Tenganamba (1), Prisca Madeni (45), Richard Chikwangara ( 24), Yusta Somabato (36), Grace Ramadhan (24), Odetha Windows (46), Megi Nuli (52), Nyandindi Abraham (35) and a two-week-old boy who had not been named.

According to the commander Kyando, the accident occurred on October 3, at 9:00 pm and the car was going on Sumbawanga Urban to the Prison Village in the district. He said the driver whose name was unknown was running shortly after the crash, while the source was described as being in a hurry.

At another point, Rukwa Regional Head, Zelothe Steven has banned trucks carrying passengers while urging the Police Commander to monitor them closely. He advised that if the problem was a shortage of passenger cars, then the famous "bean tea" vehicles started offering transport services to rural passengers.

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