The Secretary-General of the United Nation U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres condemned the killing of a Tanzanian Peace Keeper peacekeeper serving with the United Nations Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) on 17 September in Mamundioma, in North Kivu province

He called for Congo’s government to investigate the incident and bring perpetrators to justice. In a statement he called on all armed groups in Congo to cease violence.

The peace keeper was killed following a clash with suspected members of an armed group, the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF). Another peacekeeper was also injured during the incident.

The Secretary-General offers his condolences to the friends and families of the deceased and to the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania.

The Secretary General wished a speedy recovery to other peace keepers, who were injured, according to a statement issued by Stéphane Dujarric, Spokesman for the UN Secretary-General

The Secretary-General calls on all armed groups in the Democratic Republic of the Congo to cease violence and to avoid a further deterioration of the security situation in the country.

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