Why Tanzania continues to fight against prostitution, homosexuality

The Tanzanian government will continue fighting against prostitution and homosexuality as the conducts remain illegal according to the laws of the land.

The Deputy Minister for Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children, Dr Hamisi Kigwangalla, said on Friday, September 15, 2017 that police will continue with operations aimed at identifying and arresting owners of brothels.

Dr Kigwangalla was responding to a question by Mr Constantine Kanyasu (Geita Urban-CCM) who wanted to get updates on the operation launched earlier of arresting those involved in prostitution.

"I also warn all men and women who engage in the practice to know that it's illegal and the government will continue with its operation," said Dr Kigwangalla.

Ms Suzan Lyimo also stood up to ask a supplementary question and demanded to know what plans were in place to control homosexuality.

"All these are illegal and lesbians will also be arrested whenever found," responded Dr Kigwangalla.

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