Dar es Salaam. A total of $6,591 (Sh14.5 million) has been contributed in the last five days by Chadema supporters in the Diaspora to facilitate treatment of Singida East Member of Parliament Tundu Lissu.

The amount adds to $20,566 (Sh45.759 million) raised as of September 19, making a total contribution by Chadema supporters by Sunday, September 24, equals to $27,157, (Sh59.75 million).

Reports in the online fundraising campaign account$50k goal shows that 595 people have contributed the money in the last 11 days.

Supporters embarked on a fund-riser in a bid to collect enough money to facilitate specialised treatment of the ailing Mr Lissu to the US.

However, a team of doctors treating Mr Lissu in Nairobi resolved to retain the Tanganyika Law Society President and the Opposition Chief Whip at the Nairobi Hospital.

The Chadema sympathizers in the diaspora organised an online fund-raising campaign targeting to collect $50,000 (Sh112 million), which would make it possible to fly Mr Lissu to the US for further treatment.

According to the status of contributions, the opposition party would need to raise $ 22, 843 (Sh50.25 million) in order to meet the tar-get.

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