Despite the various challenges facing the people in the Singida Eastern Province, Ikungi District in Singida, but lack of access to water services is a major obstacle to the population as they spend the long and long time looking for water.

MP Singida West MP Elibariki Kingu has filed a request in the presence of Deputy Minister of Water and Irrigation Isack A. Kamwelwe while addressing the Ikungi district officials at a session held at Ikungi District Headquarters on Tuesday, Mtaturu District.

Mr. Kingu said that his State has a water challenge that largely the government is developing its efforts to resolve it, saying that in the neighboring Singida East neighborhood led by Mr Tundu Lissu is the worst in accessing water infrastructure to its citizens.

He said that he recently went to the state and saw the advent of the problem that the people had made to make his plans to pray for the people during the next parliamentary session. He said the citizens were left to think that they did not have a State representative for a period of 10 years that caused suffering and water search services over much time and distance.

In addition, Mr. King said that despite the challenges of access to water In the Eastern Singida State but also the various challenges faced by the education sector, including the shortage of classrooms, Teachers' houses, laboratories, toilets and hallway.

However, he congratulated the Ikungi District Head of Projects on Tuesday Mtaturu for establishing a joint strategy for establishing a Higher Education Fund that would involve citizens and educational stakeholders to take effective measures to improve the learning environment of children and eventually enable pupils to increase their effectiveness.

Deputy Minister of Water and Irrigation Isack A. Kamwelwe has begun a four-day tourist tournament in Singida where he will visit and inspect Water Projects and water supply sources.

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